Ordered a Hermes Birkin Bag. The bag arrived, it was wrong color, made of plastic not leather and smeeled like plastic. The company said they would refund 100% if we shipped the bag back. We had to pay for shipping, returned the bag have the US CUstome receipt of shippment and the company claims to never have received the shippment. They have not returned the money and will not answer any further requests from us.
Total scammers and rippoff artists. They do not depiver anything they promis as written on their site or in email correspondence.
Hermes-us-sale Reviews
Ordered a Hermes Birkin Bag. The bag arrived, it was wrong color, made of plastic not leather and smeeled like plastic. The company said they would refund 100% if we shipped the bag back. We had to pay for shipping, returned the bag have the US CUstome receipt of shippment and the company claims to never have received the shippment. They have not returned the money and will not answer any further requests from us.
Total scammers and rippoff artists. They do not depiver anything they promis as written on their site or in email correspondence.