They claim to offer a personal loan. You send in the fee and then at the last moment they require that you pay and
Additional fee for the wire transfer. They use solomon kowe in nigeria to accept the initial fee. Upon requesting a refund yhey refused claiming its not possible. The loan firm also uses the name musa najare. They will call you from nigeria but the company claims to be out of china. They also use the following bank account in china heguang international limited, citibank n.A. Hong kong, account numberIban): 10282 20247 8002. They use the address of floor, two
Harbour front, 22 tak fung street, hunghom, kowloon. Do no business with these scammers.
They claim to offer a personal loan. You send in the fee and then at the last moment they require that you pay and
Additional fee for the wire transfer. They use solomon kowe in nigeria to accept the initial fee. Upon requesting a refund yhey refused claiming its not possible. The loan firm also uses the name musa najare. They will call you from nigeria but the company claims to be out of china. They also use the following bank account in china heguang international limited, citibank n.A. Hong kong, account numberIban): 10282 20247 8002. They use the address of floor, two
Harbour front, 22 tak fung street, hunghom, kowloon. Do no business with these scammers.