Hanold Properties of Newport Beach have made a living off of lies, deceit and fraud. If you research their licenses at the California Department of Real Estate their Company name shows up as Manhattan Star Financial DBA Hanold Properties, yet legally according to the State of California their company name Hanold Properties is owned by another entity, Winston Wolf, Inc. Please read below before you consider listing a home, buying a home with, or buying a home being sold by Hanold Properties of Newport Beach. If you call them to discuss selling your home, BEWARE OF HANOLDS!!!! If you decide to sell your home and list with them, then change your mind prior to the expiration of the listing agreement, the Hanolds will agree to break the contract, on the condition that you pay 6% of the price the house is listed for. If you do not agree to pay them off, then they advise you to hire a lawyer and bully you until you pay or you cave and agree to let them sell. If you want to buy a house with Hanold Properties as your representation, and you see a home that you want to make an offer on, while you are signing the stacks of paperwork, they will slip in a Buyer / Broker agreement. Again through annoying and distracting conversation, along with phrases like "These are standard form" you sign the agreement and become the property of the Hanolds. Once you figure out that you have made a terrible choice in working with these con men, and decide to work with someone else, the Hanolds wait until you have placed an offer in on a different property and slam the new agent with the signed buyer / brokers agreement. This means that you and your agent are now responsible for paying the Hanolds 6% of the purchase price on a deal they have nothing to do with. This is a VERY common scam they pull with people. If you wish to buy one of their Short Sales, oh god help you. First thing they do is tell you that in order to buy the house you have to sign an addendum agreeing to pay 3% of the purchase price to cover "Non-Allowable Fees" What they do not tell you is that the 3% you just agreed to is in addition to your purchase price and that the additional money you are paying is now the additional profit of Mr. Hanolds other company Winston Wolf, Inc. (Winston Wolf Inc does NOTHING to earn this money) Sometimes, they will pick a dollar amount out of thin air and say "Dont you think we've earned it?" Now keep in mind that they are still making their real estate commission. This money has absolutely nothing to do with their broker commissions. This is a con to make anywhere from 3% - 10% in additional profit ON TOP OF THEIR BANK APPROVED COMMISSIONS. Not only is Mr. Hanold a habitual liar, he has no conscience and no soul. George M. Hanold aka: The Wolf is the very definition of disgusting. To strangers and clients, Mr. Hanold just seems slightly excentric. In reality Mr. Hanold is a biggot to his core. Racial slures and jokes based on your skin color and religion become part of how he deffines you as a person. The moment you walk into their office you are no longer a human being, you are a paycheck. And no mater what, if you try to take away their payday, they will stop at nothing to squeeze you for every dime you have.
Hanold Properties of Newport Beach have made a living off of lies, deceit and fraud. If you research their licenses at the California Department of Real Estate their Company name shows up as Manhattan Star Financial DBA Hanold Properties, yet legally according to the State of California their company name Hanold Properties is owned by another entity, Winston Wolf, Inc. Please read below before you consider listing a home, buying a home with, or buying a home being sold by Hanold Properties of Newport Beach. If you call them to discuss selling your home, BEWARE OF HANOLDS!!!! If you decide to sell your home and list with them, then change your mind prior to the expiration of the listing agreement, the Hanolds will agree to break the contract, on the condition that you pay 6% of the price the house is listed for. If you do not agree to pay them off, then they advise you to hire a lawyer and bully you until you pay or you cave and agree to let them sell. If you want to buy a house with Hanold Properties as your representation, and you see a home that you want to make an offer on, while you are signing the stacks of paperwork, they will slip in a Buyer / Broker agreement. Again through annoying and distracting conversation, along with phrases like "These are standard form" you sign the agreement and become the property of the Hanolds. Once you figure out that you have made a terrible choice in working with these con men, and decide to work with someone else, the Hanolds wait until you have placed an offer in on a different property and slam the new agent with the signed buyer / brokers agreement. This means that you and your agent are now responsible for paying the Hanolds 6% of the purchase price on a deal they have nothing to do with. This is a VERY common scam they pull with people. If you wish to buy one of their Short Sales, oh god help you. First thing they do is tell you that in order to buy the house you have to sign an addendum agreeing to pay 3% of the purchase price to cover "Non-Allowable Fees" What they do not tell you is that the 3% you just agreed to is in addition to your purchase price and that the additional money you are paying is now the additional profit of Mr. Hanolds other company Winston Wolf, Inc. (Winston Wolf Inc does NOTHING to earn this money) Sometimes, they will pick a dollar amount out of thin air and say "Dont you think we've earned it?" Now keep in mind that they are still making their real estate commission. This money has absolutely nothing to do with their broker commissions. This is a con to make anywhere from 3% - 10% in additional profit ON TOP OF THEIR BANK APPROVED COMMISSIONS. Not only is Mr. Hanold a habitual liar, he has no conscience and no soul. George M. Hanold aka: The Wolf is the very definition of disgusting. To strangers and clients, Mr. Hanold just seems slightly excentric. In reality Mr. Hanold is a biggot to his core. Racial slures and jokes based on your skin color and religion become part of how he deffines you as a person. The moment you walk into their office you are no longer a human being, you are a paycheck. And no mater what, if you try to take away their payday, they will stop at nothing to squeeze you for every dime you have.
Hanold Properties Reviews
Hanold Properties of Newport Beach have made a living off of lies, deceit and fraud. If you research their licenses at the California Department of Real Estate their Company name shows up as Manhattan Star Financial DBA Hanold Properties, yet legally according to the State of California their company name Hanold Properties is owned by another entity, Winston Wolf, Inc. Please read below before you consider listing a home, buying a home with, or buying a home being sold by Hanold Properties of Newport Beach. If you call them to discuss selling your home, BEWARE OF HANOLDS!!!! If you decide to sell your home and list with them, then change your mind prior to the expiration of the listing agreement, the Hanolds will agree to break the contract, on the condition that you pay 6% of the price the house is listed for. If you do not agree to pay them off, then they advise you to hire a lawyer and bully you until you pay or you cave and agree to let them sell. If you want to buy a house with Hanold Properties as your representation, and you see a home that you want to make an offer on, while you are signing the stacks of paperwork, they will slip in a Buyer / Broker agreement. Again through annoying and distracting conversation, along with phrases like "These are standard form" you sign the agreement and become the property of the Hanolds. Once you figure out that you have made a terrible choice in working with these con men, and decide to work with someone else, the Hanolds wait until you have placed an offer in on a different property and slam the new agent with the signed buyer / brokers agreement. This means that you and your agent are now responsible for paying the Hanolds 6% of the purchase price on a deal they have nothing to do with. This is a VERY common scam they pull with people. If you wish to buy one of their Short Sales, oh god help you. First thing they do is tell you that in order to buy the house you have to sign an addendum agreeing to pay 3% of the purchase price to cover "Non-Allowable Fees" What they do not tell you is that the 3% you just agreed to is in addition to your purchase price and that the additional money you are paying is now the additional profit of Mr. Hanolds other company Winston Wolf, Inc. (Winston Wolf Inc does NOTHING to earn this money) Sometimes, they will pick a dollar amount out of thin air and say "Dont you think we've earned it?" Now keep in mind that they are still making their real estate commission. This money has absolutely nothing to do with their broker commissions. This is a con to make anywhere from 3% - 10% in additional profit ON TOP OF THEIR BANK APPROVED COMMISSIONS. Not only is Mr. Hanold a habitual liar, he has no conscience and no soul. George M. Hanold aka: The Wolf is the very definition of disgusting. To strangers and clients, Mr. Hanold just seems slightly excentric. In reality Mr. Hanold is a biggot to his core. Racial slures and jokes based on your skin color and religion become part of how he deffines you as a person. The moment you walk into their office you are no longer a human being, you are a paycheck. And no mater what, if you try to take away their payday, they will stop at nothing to squeeze you for every dime you have.
Hanold Properties of Newport Beach have made a living off of lies, deceit and fraud. If you research their licenses at the California Department of Real Estate their Company name shows up as Manhattan Star Financial DBA Hanold Properties, yet legally according to the State of California their company name Hanold Properties is owned by another entity, Winston Wolf, Inc. Please read below before you consider listing a home, buying a home with, or buying a home being sold by Hanold Properties of Newport Beach. If you call them to discuss selling your home, BEWARE OF HANOLDS!!!! If you decide to sell your home and list with them, then change your mind prior to the expiration of the listing agreement, the Hanolds will agree to break the contract, on the condition that you pay 6% of the price the house is listed for. If you do not agree to pay them off, then they advise you to hire a lawyer and bully you until you pay or you cave and agree to let them sell. If you want to buy a house with Hanold Properties as your representation, and you see a home that you want to make an offer on, while you are signing the stacks of paperwork, they will slip in a Buyer / Broker agreement. Again through annoying and distracting conversation, along with phrases like "These are standard form" you sign the agreement and become the property of the Hanolds. Once you figure out that you have made a terrible choice in working with these con men, and decide to work with someone else, the Hanolds wait until you have placed an offer in on a different property and slam the new agent with the signed buyer / brokers agreement. This means that you and your agent are now responsible for paying the Hanolds 6% of the purchase price on a deal they have nothing to do with. This is a VERY common scam they pull with people. If you wish to buy one of their Short Sales, oh god help you. First thing they do is tell you that in order to buy the house you have to sign an addendum agreeing to pay 3% of the purchase price to cover "Non-Allowable Fees" What they do not tell you is that the 3% you just agreed to is in addition to your purchase price and that the additional money you are paying is now the additional profit of Mr. Hanolds other company Winston Wolf, Inc. (Winston Wolf Inc does NOTHING to earn this money) Sometimes, they will pick a dollar amount out of thin air and say "Dont you think we've earned it?" Now keep in mind that they are still making their real estate commission. This money has absolutely nothing to do with their broker commissions. This is a con to make anywhere from 3% - 10% in additional profit ON TOP OF THEIR BANK APPROVED COMMISSIONS. Not only is Mr. Hanold a habitual liar, he has no conscience and no soul. George M. Hanold aka: The Wolf is the very definition of disgusting. To strangers and clients, Mr. Hanold just seems slightly excentric. In reality Mr. Hanold is a biggot to his core. Racial slures and jokes based on your skin color and religion become part of how he deffines you as a person. The moment you walk into their office you are no longer a human being, you are a paycheck. And no mater what, if you try to take away their payday, they will stop at nothing to squeeze you for every dime you have.