I sent a request to view the check they say I wrote. Per the law I am supposed to be able to do that. I never received the document. I then found out a judgement was entered, without me going to court, or viewing the document. I am also concerned there is a connection to Chase Bank due to the different accounts that are attributed to my name, without documentation. Seems like since I had an account, possible other accounts might have been facated and atributed to me. When I ask for wet ink signatures, I get statements that could be made on the internet, nothing with my signature. No proof. I think this judgement should be removed from the courts and the Law Firm repremanded for violation my rights and the Fair Credit Reporting Act.
Hameroff Law Firm Reviews
Tucson Justice Court
115 N Church Ave.
Tucson, Az 85701
0227470214 ID # CV10033328 7/2011
resolve not reported.$3,597.00
I sent a request to view the check they say I wrote. Per the law I am supposed to be able to do that. I never received the document. I then found out a judgement was entered, without me going to court, or viewing the document. I am also concerned there is a connection to Chase Bank due to the different accounts that are attributed to my name, without documentation. Seems like since I had an account, possible other accounts might have been facated and atributed to me. When I ask for wet ink signatures, I get statements that could be made on the internet, nothing with my signature. No proof. I think this judgement should be removed from the courts and the Law Firm repremanded for violation my rights and the Fair Credit Reporting Act.