Nsive names about I live is usnrise mobile home park in honesdale pa owned bny gsp i reporetd illagel residents to park and 9000 dollars worth of damage from stray cats 5 mo ago and even sent certified singnature reg documdents to prove this and have more info and opics if needed and still nothing park manger doesnt do anything about it even went to the burough the code enforce r the da the police the heakthd department conumer affaris attorney genral congressman harrisburg mr zimmerman and nothkng is done at all these people dont have the trailer in their name so they are lying about subleasing it or owning this girl isnt on the leasa attacked me when i was coming out of my car over cat issues have a licesenced contracter fixing cat damage nothing done and i am bi polar and getting so sick i cant even function. all i want is cats gone insurance company reiembursed and illagel residents abusing me gone. the park manager said gsp knew of the illageal activity and they are gonna add this chick to the lease who called me vulgar offensive names regarding my illaness really and i have pics of rotten food at empty abandon type trailer pics of garbage at other trailers and no one is cleaning it its been about a month still no dumpster is here the road and water drainage horrible i lived in this park 8 years and never not paid rent on time with the exception of when they lost it three times never any notices to clean anything or fix anything in 5 years only one was skirting in old trailer that i was not alloweed to sublease or own when i moved into new one in park 2 yrs ago and had to have insurance taxes in my name resale rental inspection by town agreemnet everyone over 18 approved and on lease its crazy i say we all get together get documnets and take action!!!!!!!!!
GSP Managment Reviews
Nsive names about I live is usnrise mobile home park in honesdale pa owned bny gsp i reporetd illagel residents to park and 9000 dollars worth of damage from stray cats 5 mo ago and even sent certified singnature reg documdents to prove this and have more info and opics if needed and still nothing park manger doesnt do anything about it even went to the burough the code enforce r the da the police the heakthd department conumer affaris attorney genral congressman harrisburg mr zimmerman and nothkng is done at all these people dont have the trailer in their name so they are lying about subleasing it or owning this girl isnt on the leasa attacked me when i was coming out of my car over cat issues have a licesenced contracter fixing cat damage nothing done and i am bi polar and getting so sick i cant even function. all i want is cats gone insurance company reiembursed and illagel residents abusing me gone. the park manager said gsp knew of the illageal activity and they are gonna add this chick to the lease who called me vulgar offensive names regarding my illaness really and i have pics of rotten food at empty abandon type trailer pics of garbage at other trailers and no one is cleaning it its been about a month still no dumpster is here the road and water drainage horrible i lived in this park 8 years and never not paid rent on time with the exception of when they lost it three times never any notices to clean anything or fix anything in 5 years only one was skirting in old trailer that i was not alloweed to sublease or own when i moved into new one in park 2 yrs ago and had to have insurance taxes in my name resale rental inspection by town agreemnet everyone over 18 approved and on lease its crazy i say we all get together get documnets and take action!!!!!!!!!