Relocation Services or Global Relocations advertises on craigslist as a rental service or realtor. It's actually a scam. When you called the number a lady answers sounding very legit and professional. The lady will asked you to go to Rite Aid, Walmart or CVS and purshase a Green dot money pak for $350.00 as a deposit. The lady says it goes towards your deposit to your apartment. None of the apartments are aware of any rental service called Relocation Services or Global Relocations, When I realized the scam and asked for a refund the lady explain to me that I was incorrect; and I am entitle to a refund if they were not able to find a unit for me. I sent emails with no reply back; for I found a unit without their assistance, and inginited a refund, but no reply.They uses the following emails in Washington,DC.
GRS Relocation Reviews
Relocation Services or Global Relocations advertises on craigslist as a rental service or realtor. It's actually a scam. When you called the number a lady answers sounding very legit and professional. The lady will asked you to go to Rite Aid, Walmart or CVS and purshase a Green dot money pak for $350.00 as a deposit. The lady says it goes towards your deposit to your apartment. None of the apartments are aware of any rental service called Relocation Services or Global Relocations, When I realized the scam and asked for a refund the lady explain to me that I was incorrect; and I am entitle to a refund if they were not able to find a unit for me. I sent emails with no reply back; for I found a unit without their assistance, and inginited a refund, but no reply.They uses the following emails in Washington,DC.