Greg's niche is frustrated network marketers and he offers training to help you grow your network marketing business online. After many introductory inexpensive offers, what you quicly come to realize is that his fee is $5000 to do this.
Once you pay, what actually happens is that you first must become a Greg Gomez affiliate marketer, selling his many training programs through 12 weekly sessions. He positions this as necessary in order for you to learn how to sell your own products. Many people feel that once they earn their $5k back selling Greg's training programs, they will then get the rest of the training that will help them with their own, or "primary" business.
He offers a carefully-worded guarantee that you'll earn $50k in your first year, yet most don't even earn their $5k back in that time period and merely give up. But for those who stick it out, you'll never quite get what you need to build your primary business. Greg knows his niche of turning disgrunteled marketers into affiliates, but he doesn't know what it takes to build a successful sales funnel for any other goods or services you might want to sell. Or worse, maybe he does but he just isn't willing to take the time to share that info with you because he's too busy duping people into selling his training programs. He calls this "riding his bicycle before you build your own".
Greg is a very slick salesman and very good at talking a lot without ever really saying anything. He'll call you personally to try to get you to upgrade to his "platinum" program for an additional $10,000 but if you refuse, you won't hear from him again.
Some of his students refuse to believe that they've been duped, so continue to stick with him hanging on his every word. But there are dozens if not hundreds who have seen through Greg's BS and walked away.
Buyer beware of Greg's slick sales talk and his claims to be genuinely interested in you and your success. Greg is interested in his bank account and he won't care if you quit because he knows there are 5 more suckers out there he can sweet talk into replacing you.
I know many, many former Greg Gomez students who went on to create highly successful online marketing businesses (me included) once they found REAL training and REAL mentors to work with. Reviews
Greg's niche is frustrated network marketers and he offers training to help you grow your network marketing business online. After many introductory inexpensive offers, what you quicly come to realize is that his fee is $5000 to do this.
Once you pay, what actually happens is that you first must become a Greg Gomez affiliate marketer, selling his many training programs through 12 weekly sessions. He positions this as necessary in order for you to learn how to sell your own products. Many people feel that once they earn their $5k back selling Greg's training programs, they will then get the rest of the training that will help them with their own, or "primary" business.
He offers a carefully-worded guarantee that you'll earn $50k in your first year, yet most don't even earn their $5k back in that time period and merely give up. But for those who stick it out, you'll never quite get what you need to build your primary business. Greg knows his niche of turning disgrunteled marketers into affiliates, but he doesn't know what it takes to build a successful sales funnel for any other goods or services you might want to sell. Or worse, maybe he does but he just isn't willing to take the time to share that info with you because he's too busy duping people into selling his training programs. He calls this "riding his bicycle before you build your own".
Greg is a very slick salesman and very good at talking a lot without ever really saying anything. He'll call you personally to try to get you to upgrade to his "platinum" program for an additional $10,000 but if you refuse, you won't hear from him again.
Some of his students refuse to believe that they've been duped, so continue to stick with him hanging on his every word. But there are dozens if not hundreds who have seen through Greg's BS and walked away.
Buyer beware of Greg's slick sales talk and his claims to be genuinely interested in you and your success. Greg is interested in his bank account and he won't care if you quit because he knows there are 5 more suckers out there he can sweet talk into replacing you.
I know many, many former Greg Gomez students who went on to create highly successful online marketing businesses (me included) once they found REAL training and REAL mentors to work with.