Great Western Bank

Country India
State Nagaland
City New York
Address 325 Broadway New York
Phone 1-800-952-2043

Great Western Bank Reviews

  • Jun 1, 2015

My wife is disabled due to being hit by an Omaha Police Car in pursuit of a robery suspect. This was the second time she was hit by another driver speeding and one the ran a red light!

She has been under doctors care and medications with declining health for over 20 years! Her memory fails her at times and she is housebound and becomes confused at times.

She banks at the Greatwestern Bank at TwinCreeks in Bellevue Nebraska.

As a permanently disabled veteran at age 70 myslef, I try to keep our home and business affairs in order however, the seriousness of my health also impairs my mental and physical abilities.

My wife has overdrawn her account only because she either misundewrstood the banker when she called in for balances, or the banker provided her wrong information.

Regardless, I have stepped up three times to honor her needed deposits which are are relatively small and I have paid a $33.00 service charge as required by Greatwestern Bank.

A few months back, I went to the bank to help my wife and a banker named Jamie took my information into the branch managers office. The door was open and I could hear Jamie giving the manager untrue information. I stepped up to the doorway to politely wait to be invited into the conversation.

However, the manager named SARA, held her hand up to me, raised her voice and asked me IF I couldn't see she was busy? I answered, polietly and said I simply want to provide you the correct information, because Jamie has facts wrong. SARA replied "Yelling at Me"!! Get out of my office and I will get to you when I am ready! I was not in SARA's office, I was outside her door and I was very embarrassed in front of other customer!

Jamie gave me a SMUG look like, were a team and had her head so far up SARA's ........ that it was sick.

Months later I was in the same branch because the banker once again gave my wife conflicting information and I went take care of the issue. The teller told me that I would need to talk to the manager. Well, SARA was no longer there so I pointed to a guy in shirt and tie and asked that guy? His name is Bryan or Ryan and he YELLED at me across the bank.... "Don't Point Your Finger at Me! I was shocked! I told him that I had a dispute with his branch, he replied, "If you don't like how we do business, I shut your **** account down"! WOW !!!

This past payday after my direct deposits were accounted for, I went to another branch and took my money out. I am going to a Bank that TREATS its customers with RESPECT !!

Its sad, because, there are some wonderful employee's at Greatwestern and for some reason, Jamie is allowed to suck up to managers and talk about customers behind their backas and cause them problems. Which she still does! SARA is allowed to YELL vulgarities at Greatwestern Customers and get away with it. Bryan or Ryan is allowed to Yell vulgarities and threaten Greatwestern Customers and get away with it!

So from two disabled and a 70 year old disable veteran, I suggest the word passed around to beware of Jamie now at 84th and Hwy 370 Bellevue, SARA wherever she has been promoted to by GWB and Bryan - Ryan at Twin Creeks Branch Belklevue Nebraska.

NO ONE has the RIGHT to manipulate customers accounts, misrepresent customer account information, disclose customer account information with others including other employees/managers with wilfull and malicious intent to cause the customer harm! And NO ONE has the right to YELL Vulgarities to a customer in an isolated setting and or in a PUBLIC area with others present, especially in the Bank!

Christine Hamilton

My husband served in the military and was deployed four time to forign lands durring war time. He has serious service connected health issues that will cause his continued decline of health and his passing. He is 70 Years Old. Greatwestern should be ASHAMED!!!!

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