We purchased at Grandview because we truly believed that we could take vacations when ever we wanted to including the 2 extra vacation weks they gave us, Turns out you cannnot even use those 2 extra weeks at a claasy resort only junk motels and then very limited to availability. We found ou that grandview's priority in RCI is very low because Wyndam owns RCI and Wyndam vacation club owners get top priority when booking vacations, We gave 2500.00 down and have paid 337.00 for 9 months now and feel totally scammed and ripped off with deception and lies, they sure know how to paint a pretty picture.
Contacting a lawyer to see if we can start a Class Action Law Suit to STOP these people ( El Dorado Resorts ) from ripping people off,
Grandview Resorts at Las Vegas Reviews
We purchased at Grandview because we truly believed that we could take vacations when ever we wanted to including the 2 extra vacation weks they gave us, Turns out you cannnot even use those 2 extra weeks at a claasy resort only junk motels and then very limited to availability. We found ou that grandview's priority in RCI is very low because Wyndam owns RCI and Wyndam vacation club owners get top priority when booking vacations, We gave 2500.00 down and have paid 337.00 for 9 months now and feel totally scammed and ripped off with deception and lies, they sure know how to paint a pretty picture.
Contacting a lawyer to see if we can start a Class Action Law Suit to STOP these people ( El Dorado Resorts ) from ripping people off,
please contact us to join the law suit