ARS Rescue Rooter Buetler Air Conditioning Service - Whistle Blower - ARS Rescue Rooter Executive Ken Goodrich Tender Your Resignation Sacramento, California
I am so proud of the organization that we were in the past. Today, I have a righteous reason for this review. All of the General Managers in the nation HATE the SouthWest Division for wreckless actions, ruining ARS Rescue Rooters reputation. The Senior President in the SouthWest Division - Kenneth Goodrich is a . Kennith Goodrich has pushed all the managers in the SW Division to drive management & technicians to be dishonest and out right LIE to our hard earned clientel. Kenneth Goodrich, you . Kenneth Goodrich would TERMINATE anyone that doesnt tippy toe around his conversation. I was on a daily confrerence call about 3 years ago when another General Manager challenged Kenneth Goodrich on a stratagy, sends him text message to get off the call, gets on a plane sameday, and personally fired an excellent General Manager, one of the best in the country, & is now a General Manager for our compitition. Makes you wonder if Kenneth Goodrich acts in the best interets of ARS Rescue Rooter? Or in the best intrests on Kenneth Goodrich? Kenneth Goodrich is the reason our once great company has in the last 2 - 4 years been publicly humiliated. The SW Division of ARS more then tripled prices and demands unreachable daily sales no matter the cost to the consumers or who has to be fired for not making expected, demanded sales. This is a whistleblowers account of this phone buff, pompas, arrogant, street angel - closed doors devil. This Executive is afflicted with accute narcissism, a pronounce inclination toward moral insanity, utter lack of empathy for our clients, management, staff or professional tradesman. Absence of empathy = Psychopath Kenneth Goodrich = Professor James Moriarty Kenneth Goodrich is directly and personally responsable for the state of emergancy in Arizona. Our attorney's had to work overtime to contain the SW Division's mess. More then just money, the publicity probloms from Arizona, undermines marketing nationwide. The SW Division makes more money for ARS then rest of all the Divisions put together due to these practices-At what price? This report is for our investors/owners. ARS Rescue Rooter has paid the highest price for Kenneth Goodrich's Antics - our credibility to potential consumers. FIRE THE ! Kenneth Goodrich has allowed a washed up, never was, failure named Bill Raymond to transfer from Sacaramento Ca Beutler Air Conditioning Service to Geottl Air Conditioning Service in Tempe Arizona. This turkey got caught first hand by consumers, telling the clients that he in fact had a Bachlor of Science Degree in Mechanical Engineering from Canturbury University. For under $200.00 Canturbury University from the United Kingdom, will send anyone a degree based on what you tell them you want to be. Our once great company suffered enough from Kennith Goodrich in Arizona, and this is another example of gross incompetence. Sacramento Management and Human Resources - You are , trying hide what was exposed! You are fully aware of the gross lies by Bill Raymond! And you did nothing but make him change his Linkdin Page to simply delete these details. Bill Raymond should have been FIRED! Jim Anderberg and Human Resources should have demanded the BS Degree, and when it could not be produced, FIRED Bill Raymond! Jim Andergerg Sacramento General Manager and Karen White Vice President of Human Resources should be fired! The SW Division's entire management team is corrupt including Human Resources - Im talking to you Karen White Vice President of Human Resources in the SW Division This is what our once great company has become! Undermine the clients in one place then send Bill Raymond somewhere else. The Technicians in Sacramento were condeming furnaces - claiming that the appliance was a health hazard with a mis used product called Visable Defects! Read the Yelp Reviews, and do something about it! Bill Raymond is a who has personal tax issues and has to live in Tijuana Mexico. This looser would sell his mother out for commission or a bonus, and this is who Kennith Goodrich sent to Geottl Air Conditioing Service in Arizona to restore the company's reputation? REALLY? With all the probloms already kenneth Goodrich would take that Gamble? The precise reason Kennith Goodrich was not terminated is because he bated another Vice President to take his fall. The SW Division thought it would be better to demote a Vice President in the name of paying less severance pay, keeping Kenneth Goodrich and firing Allen Crick! Marc Atherstone, as a result, one of the finest trainers anywere, who has the highest ethics, ended up being personally named, publicly embarressed in the actions filed. Kennth Goodrich, because of you, all the General Mangers in the country had to have that ridiculous emergancy "ethics" meeting in Las Vegas. The sound of your voice, hearing your name and the site of you makes my skin crawl. Kenneth Goodrich Sr Vp, Bill Raymond, Jim Anderberg GM, Karen White Vp of Hr This is Chaos. The thing about chaos = its fair. The Irony = The Fantastic Four aforementioned, you ripped off ARS Rescue Rooters reputation, consider this report your reckoning = cant sore with eagles hangin with turkeys Take the liberty to resigh before our Dave Slott and Company read this. Sincerly, Whistleblower P.S. John Hayes Jr in Sacramento Ca, make your father proud, find another job outside of ARS Rescue Rooter. Stop hiding behind his seniority coward.
Goettl Good Guys Air Conditioning Reviews
ARS Rescue Rooter Buetler Air Conditioning Service - Whistle Blower - ARS Rescue Rooter Executive Ken Goodrich Tender Your Resignation Sacramento, California
I am so proud of the organization that we were in the past. Today, I have a righteous reason for this review. All of the General Managers in the nation HATE the SouthWest Division for wreckless actions, ruining ARS Rescue Rooters reputation. The Senior President in the SouthWest Division - Kenneth Goodrich is a . Kennith Goodrich has pushed all the managers in the SW Division to drive management & technicians to be dishonest and out right LIE to our hard earned clientel. Kenneth Goodrich, you . Kenneth Goodrich would TERMINATE anyone that doesnt tippy toe around his conversation. I was on a daily confrerence call about 3 years ago when another General Manager challenged Kenneth Goodrich on a stratagy, sends him text message to get off the call, gets on a plane sameday, and personally fired an excellent General Manager, one of the best in the country, & is now a General Manager for our compitition. Makes you wonder if Kenneth Goodrich acts in the best interets of ARS Rescue Rooter? Or in the best intrests on Kenneth Goodrich? Kenneth Goodrich is the reason our once great company has in the last 2 - 4 years been publicly humiliated. The SW Division of ARS more then tripled prices and demands unreachable daily sales no matter the cost to the consumers or who has to be fired for not making expected, demanded sales. This is a whistleblowers account of this phone buff, pompas, arrogant, street angel - closed doors devil. This Executive is afflicted with accute narcissism, a pronounce inclination toward moral insanity, utter lack of empathy for our clients, management, staff or professional tradesman. Absence of empathy = Psychopath Kenneth Goodrich = Professor James Moriarty Kenneth Goodrich is directly and personally responsable for the state of emergancy in Arizona. Our attorney's had to work overtime to contain the SW Division's mess. More then just money, the publicity probloms from Arizona, undermines marketing nationwide. The SW Division makes more money for ARS then rest of all the Divisions put together due to these practices-At what price? This report is for our investors/owners. ARS Rescue Rooter has paid the highest price for Kenneth Goodrich's Antics - our credibility to potential consumers. FIRE THE ! Kenneth Goodrich has allowed a washed up, never was, failure named Bill Raymond to transfer from Sacaramento Ca Beutler Air Conditioning Service to Geottl Air Conditioning Service in Tempe Arizona. This turkey got caught first hand by consumers, telling the clients that he in fact had a Bachlor of Science Degree in Mechanical Engineering from Canturbury University. For under $200.00 Canturbury University from the United Kingdom, will send anyone a degree based on what you tell them you want to be. Our once great company suffered enough from Kennith Goodrich in Arizona, and this is another example of gross incompetence. Sacramento Management and Human Resources - You are , trying hide what was exposed! You are fully aware of the gross lies by Bill Raymond! And you did nothing but make him change his Linkdin Page to simply delete these details. Bill Raymond should have been FIRED! Jim Anderberg and Human Resources should have demanded the BS Degree, and when it could not be produced, FIRED Bill Raymond! Jim Andergerg Sacramento General Manager and Karen White Vice President of Human Resources should be fired! The SW Division's entire management team is corrupt including Human Resources - Im talking to you Karen White Vice President of Human Resources in the SW Division This is what our once great company has become! Undermine the clients in one place then send Bill Raymond somewhere else. The Technicians in Sacramento were condeming furnaces - claiming that the appliance was a health hazard with a mis used product called Visable Defects! Read the Yelp Reviews, and do something about it! Bill Raymond is a who has personal tax issues and has to live in Tijuana Mexico. This looser would sell his mother out for commission or a bonus, and this is who Kennith Goodrich sent to Geottl Air Conditioing Service in Arizona to restore the company's reputation? REALLY? With all the probloms already kenneth Goodrich would take that Gamble? The precise reason Kennith Goodrich was not terminated is because he bated another Vice President to take his fall. The SW Division thought it would be better to demote a Vice President in the name of paying less severance pay, keeping Kenneth Goodrich and firing Allen Crick! Marc Atherstone, as a result, one of the finest trainers anywere, who has the highest ethics, ended up being personally named, publicly embarressed in the actions filed. Kennth Goodrich, because of you, all the General Mangers in the country had to have that ridiculous emergancy "ethics" meeting in Las Vegas. The sound of your voice, hearing your name and the site of you makes my skin crawl. Kenneth Goodrich Sr Vp, Bill Raymond, Jim Anderberg GM, Karen White Vp of Hr This is Chaos. The thing about chaos = its fair. The Irony = The Fantastic Four aforementioned, you ripped off ARS Rescue Rooters reputation, consider this report your reckoning = cant sore with eagles hangin with turkeys Take the liberty to resigh before our Dave Slott and Company read this. Sincerly, Whistleblower P.S. John Hayes Jr in Sacramento Ca, make your father proud, find another job outside of ARS Rescue Rooter. Stop hiding behind his seniority coward.