I saw an ad on a now forgotten web page advertising Garcinia and Green Coffee to aid in weight loss. I followed the link and called the now forgotten number listed. There was no address listed. The ad advertised a sampling of both the Garcinia and Green Coffee sample for shipping of about $6.95. Having been burned a few years ago by the Enzyte SCAM I inquired with the Indian sounding person if automatic re-orders are done. I made it clear to the order taker that if automatic re-orders are done that I would NOT order their sample. The woman said, "Oh, we don't keep credit card information" I replied...that's not what I asked. I want to know if I order the sample if I'll be getting more of the product sent to me automatically? The order taker repeated, "We don't keep credit card information." I asked again, "I want you to confirm that there will be no automatic re-order? She replied, "Sir, we do not keep credit card information." I took her repeated answer as a no, that there is no automatic re-order. I gave her my credit card information. She confirmed that the card was accepted, and then immediately read the "agreement" that after 30 days an automatic re-order would be sent to me. I flipped out! I told her to cancel everything. I'm not purchasing anything from her company and that the web page had no such agreement! she said that the order was already done, but if I wanted to cancel the order to call these phone numbers: 1800 642-2793 and 1800 990-5979. I instead called the number that my chararge card representative gave me: 1877-569-6930 and 1877-424-7481 Apparently this SCAM is known to MasterCard.
I phoned the first number and was told that I cannot cancel the order. If I wanted to cancel the order I'd have to pay $38 for the product. I informed the male person that it was less than 10 minutes earlier that I spoke to the order taker. The person said, "It's already shipped." I asked how such an order could already be shipped? He again said, "It's already shipped, but I have a deal for you. You can have the sample for $20." I told the man they were running a SCAM and I would be calling MasterCard back to cancel my card, and to be issued a different card number, in that way making anymore re-orders impossible. That's exactly what I did. This is the same exact SCAM that Enzyte ran a few years ago. Both of the crooks involved in the Enzyte SCAM are now sitting in prison for fraud.
Garcinia Pure and Green Coffee Pure Reviews
I saw an ad on a now forgotten web page advertising Garcinia and Green Coffee to aid in weight loss. I followed the link and called the now forgotten number listed. There was no address listed. The ad advertised a sampling of both the Garcinia and Green Coffee sample for shipping of about $6.95. Having been burned a few years ago by the Enzyte SCAM I inquired with the Indian sounding person if automatic re-orders are done. I made it clear to the order taker that if automatic re-orders are done that I would NOT order their sample. The woman said, "Oh, we don't keep credit card information" I replied...that's not what I asked. I want to know if I order the sample if I'll be getting more of the product sent to me automatically? The order taker repeated, "We don't keep credit card information." I asked again, "I want you to confirm that there will be no automatic re-order? She replied, "Sir, we do not keep credit card information." I took her repeated answer as a no, that there is no automatic re-order. I gave her my credit card information. She confirmed that the card was accepted, and then immediately read the "agreement" that after 30 days an automatic re-order would be sent to me. I flipped out! I told her to cancel everything. I'm not purchasing anything from her company and that the web page had no such agreement! she said that the order was already done, but if I wanted to cancel the order to call these phone numbers: 1800 642-2793 and 1800 990-5979. I instead called the number that my chararge card representative gave me: 1877-569-6930 and 1877-424-7481 Apparently this SCAM is known to MasterCard.
I phoned the first number and was told that I cannot cancel the order. If I wanted to cancel the order I'd have to pay $38 for the product. I informed the male person that it was less than 10 minutes earlier that I spoke to the order taker. The person said, "It's already shipped." I asked how such an order could already be shipped? He again said, "It's already shipped, but I have a deal for you. You can have the sample for $20." I told the man they were running a SCAM and I would be calling MasterCard back to cancel my card, and to be issued a different card number, in that way making anymore re-orders impossible. That's exactly what I did. This is the same exact SCAM that Enzyte ran a few years ago. Both of the crooks involved in the Enzyte SCAM are now sitting in prison for fraud.