Gina Velleca aka funladythings sells what she claims are Kate Spade handbags and accessories on eBay. Actually, she sells fakes for designer prices, and buys fake feedback to bolster her store.
I bought a bag from her. When it arrived the leather was discolored and the logo and stitching were crooked. I asked for a refund. She accused me of swapping out her good, genuine bag with a fake of my own and trying to scam her. Outrageous, but cannot be disproved. Watch out -- this con artist is very sneaky!!!
Funladythings Reviews
Gina Velleca aka funladythings sells what she claims are Kate Spade handbags and accessories on eBay. Actually, she sells fakes for designer prices, and buys fake feedback to bolster her store.
I bought a bag from her. When it arrived the leather was discolored and the logo and stitching were crooked. I asked for a refund. She accused me of swapping out her good, genuine bag with a fake of my own and trying to scam her. Outrageous, but cannot be disproved. Watch out -- this con artist is very sneaky!!!