You are going to be legally prosecuted in the Court House within couple of day. Your S.S.N is put on hold by us Federal Government.
I have all the proofs with all of your personal details in the affidavit with me. So before it gets downloaded inside the court house with the legal procedures in your name and on your social security number with hampering your credit ratings Just reply me back whether you want to put a hold on this case file and settle it outside the courthouse with the settlement amount and close it or else you want to take this matter inside the court house with the penalty fees and judge fees and court house fees and you may end up in a legal mess.
We are informing you that this is your final reminder Email and opportunity to make payment. Unless we have your check for the amount $1290.00 within the next 48 hours, or an acceptable proposal for payments is obtained forthwith, we shall immediately commence legal actions against you. If the matter goes that far, you will also be liable for all attorney fees and court costs .such and actions will also adversely affect your credit ratings.
Send Your Payment as Soon as Possible. Because your file is inside the court house our records clearly indicate that this amount due for services rendered and that we are entitled to commence collection procedures should it be necessary. Will additionally assess you legal fees and costs of such legal proceedings
Send your Payment immediately or contact me at once.
If you have any questions or wish to discuss this matter, please call us or Email the undersigned immediately.
Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.
I am receiving the same threatening emails with all of my personal information included; demanding money but doesn't provide any means to contact them.
Threatening legal action, impact to my credit and my SSN put on hold by the Federal Government.
Freedom Clearance Organisation Reviews
You are going to be legally prosecuted in the Court House within couple of day. Your S.S.N is put on hold by us Federal Government.
I have all the proofs with all of your personal details in the affidavit with me. So before it gets downloaded inside the court house with the legal procedures in your name and on your social security number with hampering your credit ratings Just reply me back whether you want to put a hold on this case file and settle it outside the courthouse with the settlement amount and close it or else you want to take this matter inside the court house with the penalty fees and judge fees and court house fees and you may end up in a legal mess.
We are informing you that this is your final reminder Email and opportunity to make payment. Unless we have your check for the amount $1290.00 within the next 48 hours, or an acceptable proposal for payments is obtained forthwith, we shall immediately commence legal actions against you. If the matter goes that far, you will also be liable for all attorney fees and court costs .such and actions will also adversely affect your credit ratings.
Send Your Payment as Soon as Possible. Because your file is inside the court house our records clearly indicate that this amount due for services rendered and that we are entitled to commence collection procedures should it be necessary. Will additionally assess you legal fees and costs of such legal proceedings
Send your Payment immediately or contact me at once.
If you have any questions or wish to discuss this matter, please call us or Email the undersigned immediately.
Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.
I am receiving the same threatening emails with all of my personal information included; demanding money but doesn't provide any means to contact them.
Threatening legal action, impact to my credit and my SSN put on hold by the Federal Government.
What can I do?