I saw this application online in Poland oh. These ripoff pick on young people who could be out making money or pursue their dreams but they're deceitful enough to get them lured in and then they get them to go through training quotes , because the training was done by a unprofessional smoker!! So I started to calculate numbers and it was totally crazy the figures they were getting by just a bit of lying! ! ...to sell a product that is not worth 4000 dollars! ! Also to all u guys thinking of leaving beware they will scare u with the possibly that u sex...harassed someone or say that u stoll something from the office! !! So do not sign their sex..harassment paper, because if u leave they'll try to get u in a trap with the paper u signed! ! Don't worry guys their dishonesty will bite them eventually! !!
FilterQueenOpportunity.com Reviews
I saw this application online in Poland oh. These ripoff pick on young people who could be out making money or pursue their dreams but they're deceitful enough to get them lured in and then they get them to go through training quotes , because the training was done by a unprofessional smoker!! So I started to calculate numbers and it was totally crazy the figures they were getting by just a bit of lying! ! ...to sell a product that is not worth 4000 dollars! ! Also to all u guys thinking of leaving beware they will scare u with the possibly that u sex...harassed someone or say that u stoll something from the office! !! So do not sign their sex..harassment paper, because if u leave they'll try to get u in a trap with the paper u signed! ! Don't worry guys their dishonesty will bite them eventually! !!