I bought an LV bag online at wantoshop.com. Thier advertisement says Authentic LV Bag and Easy returns. When I recieved my Bag It's a fake. I returned it. They promised me to refund my money back when they recieved the item. But until now no one is replying in my emails sent to them after they recieved the item. Infact they tried to take out more money in my Bank account. luckily the bank notified me if I am making a purchase because somebody is using my card...They claim that they never recieved my returned item yet even though they got it already..I'm hoping that the public should be aware of this company because they are ripping off American consumers.
FashionPay.com Reviews
I bought an LV bag online at wantoshop.com. Thier advertisement says Authentic LV Bag and Easy returns. When I recieved my Bag It's a fake. I returned it. They promised me to refund my money back when they recieved the item. But until now no one is replying in my emails sent to them after they recieved the item. Infact they tried to take out more money in my Bank account. luckily the bank notified me if I am making a purchase because somebody is using my card...They claim that they never recieved my returned item yet even though they got it already..I'm hoping that the public should be aware of this company because they are ripping off American consumers.