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EZ Digi Cash Reviews
This vendor sends unsolicited email about a new product called the EZ Traffic Snatcher. What a RIP-OFF! The product is only $9. But
once you order, instead of being sent to your download, you are sent to a $47 up-sell offer. And you are caught in a constinuous loop, unable
to access your download if you don't buy the up-sell.
After sending a couple of emails about NOT being able to access my download, and getting NO Reply, I requested a refund. But
ALL of my emails to their [email protected] address were completely ignored.
They supposedly offer a 30-day, money-back guarantee... but apparently, that's just a lie.
A couple of days later I find they've sent me an email that was sent straight to my SPAM folder containing the login info to
download the product.
So, I downloaded the product thinking, better late than never...but it was total CRAP... a PDF of a sales letter pushing PPV
Pay Per View advertising!!!
This outfit and their product is totally BOGUS. Although $9 bucks is not much money to lose... I'm sure there are better things you
can do with your nine dollars than hand it over to Rip-Off artists and get nothing of value in return.
Let the buyer BEWARE of EZ Traffic Snatcher, EZ DigiCash, and Todd Harden (which is probably a ficticious name).