Eye Foaters Solutions advertises on the internet selling an eye solution to get rid of eye floaters. I requested the solution with the option of bill me later. I did so, just in case they I never received the merchandise and not provide my credit card information so they could bill me before I recieved the merchandise. I never received the product but the bill from Pay Pal for the amount of $47.00. I refused to pay for it and informed Pay Pal that I had not received the merchandise, therefore, I was not paying their invoice.
Pay Pal wrote back stating that is to bad, you did not reply within the time required. I did email back several times and informed them that I had not received the merchandise, but they would not listen.
Pay Pal is now billing me for $260 for merchandise that I never received from the Eye Floaters Solution folks.
Eye Floaters Solutions Reviews
Eye Foaters Solutions advertises on the internet selling an eye solution to get rid of eye floaters. I requested the solution with the option of bill me later. I did so, just in case they I never received the merchandise and not provide my credit card information so they could bill me before I recieved the merchandise. I never received the product but the bill from Pay Pal for the amount of $47.00. I refused to pay for it and informed Pay Pal that I had not received the merchandise, therefore, I was not paying their invoice.
Pay Pal wrote back stating that is to bad, you did not reply within the time required. I did email back several times and informed them that I had not received the merchandise, but they would not listen.
Pay Pal is now billing me for $260 for merchandise that I never received from the Eye Floaters Solution folks.
Their ad is still up on the internet.