Experience-international would not/could not provide credible regular important Detroit property information Internet
I stumbled on the advert on the internet by Experience-international on Detroit properties with yields of over 20%. By the way, the advert is everywhere on the internet.
I left me email and contact no. with them for more information on the probable investment in Detroit properties, and they got back to me by phone and then on email exchanges.
From the start i felt a little suspicious when the information provided (pictures, financial figures) was lacking in its fundamentals.
Who would buy a home without seeing the interiors of the home to ascertain condition and quality? There was also no unit. no. to the house which is basic in ascertaining the location of the property. Furthermore, no building size, and plot size were given in the first instance, which all property sales person would definitely provide in the portfolio of information. I also spotted discrepancies in information within the attachments that were provided in the email, which raises my suspicion further eg. 4 bed in the header, and then 3 bed is mentioned in the description. Worst still, one of the properties had no BH stated, and another had missing property tax figures. This spells no integrity in the information provided.
The sales person Gareth got aggressive with me when i insisted on pictures of the interiors to move forward. Talking over me, saying that sales move too fast and it is the way it is ....??? I told him as a foreign investor, i needed to ascertain the condition of the interiors, since i am far away. And he said i could fly to Detroit to touch the property. What kind of customer service is this?
I had read an article on investors got scammed on the properties they bought with Experience-international, where the property turned out to be a desolate property. Well, i guess the couple did not insist on pictures of the interiors to begin with, and trusting the purchase without a proper address (to investigate on), and complete sales information to make a proper judgement on the credibility of the sales.
It has an upfront non-refundable fee of 2000 pound, which if one signed and realised it is not the property they ask for at the second payment (where they claim a property report will be provided), would be too late to retract. Can you believe this: He said there is no risk 'cos if the property is not what i like at the second payment after viewing the report, i could swap to another property with no extra cost ... It takes a moron to agree to this remark ! I will be stuck in the purchase, and ripped off on the 2000 pounds and buying a property that may not exist !!!!
Experince international is not the only UK company ripping investors off for hundreds of thousand dollars in the real estate scam in Detroit, they are bed partners with New Orbit funding LLC, whom is another UK base company owned by Sean Murry whom set up shop in an office located in Liviona Mich, which is 15 minutes away from Detroit. They also have a local Realtor who goes by the first name of Al whom is also part of the scheme. Here's how it works, Al gives his password to Real comp, ( which only realtors should only have) to another contact in the UK based office of new orbit funding, at which point, the contact goes into the system and gets privilege information about homes for sale, ( Private home owners information) about homes they are trying to sell, but in order for this to work, new orbit has people on the ground whom goes out and gives information on homes good or bad, most of the time bad, and tell them what it might cost to get property up and running FAST.
The reason for this is, New Orbit funding has already sold the property, with the help of their partners, Experience International ( base in the UK) for 30k- 200k, the other player in this game of deceit is a guy name Casey whom works for and with Experience. These properties are in really bad shape, not generating income as promised, and the poor investor is stuck and out of thousands of dollars. The investor is not wise to the scam at first, because they are promised guarantee rent money up front, In short, the investor is only getting some of there own money back for about 3 months. New Orbit has another front man name Craig simmons whom is part of this overall fraud, he is part of the rehab team trying to put these properties together for as little as possible without any city inspections to these properties.
In our investigations into this fraud, we were told about a guy in Detroit whom has a very popular show on Youtube called The Shea Show, who actually goes around showing homes in there raw condition and warning investors to do there homework before buying homes from companies like New Orbit and Experience international, we also found, that Mr Shea has helped Dozens of investors in the UK find great homes for a very low cost, with a total investment in most cases of 12-15k, and that's buying, rehabbing and renting the property out. If your looking to invest in the Detroit Market, this is the guy you should be contacting, he will save you thousands of dollars and give you video's of what the condition of the property is in before you buy, he can be searched out by the name Proshea01 on google or Youtube.
We have contacted him and showed him what investors have been stuck with, we are hoping that he goes out and shows video of the massive scams that is going on in Detroit. Anyone in the UK, or just anyone looking to invest in property in Detroit needs to say away from these compaines, and follow the Youtube gura Shea from the shea show on where and where not to invest in Detroit.
Do not buy an investment home in Detroit from this company, they are fraudulent and connected to Experience International ( a UK based company) Selling very bad homes, not generating income, selling for 30k -200k in very bad condition., Please search Experience International for more info on this company and what they are doing to investors.
We also found a local guy on the ground in Detroit who has a very popular show on Youtube called The Shea Show, who exposes fraudulent companies whom scams investors, and teaches investors on what not to buy, and where not to invest. If you plan on buying a home in Detroit, this guy is someone you need to contact, he will go out and view the property that someone is trying to sell you, he only charges $100 to make sure your not getting scammed. You can find him on Youtube, member search,, Proshea01 and you can also google Proshea01, it will be the best 100 bucks you ever spent when trying to save thousands
Experience International Reviews
Experience-international would not/could not provide credible regular important Detroit property information Internet
I stumbled on the advert on the internet by Experience-international on Detroit properties with yields of over 20%. By the way, the advert is everywhere on the internet.
I left me email and contact no. with them for more information on the probable investment in Detroit properties, and they got back to me by phone and then on email exchanges.
From the start i felt a little suspicious when the information provided (pictures, financial figures) was lacking in its fundamentals.
Who would buy a home without seeing the interiors of the home to ascertain condition and quality? There was also no unit. no. to the house which is basic in ascertaining the location of the property. Furthermore, no building size, and plot size were given in the first instance, which all property sales person would definitely provide in the portfolio of information. I also spotted discrepancies in information within the attachments that were provided in the email, which raises my suspicion further eg. 4 bed in the header, and then 3 bed is mentioned in the description. Worst still, one of the properties had no BH stated, and another had missing property tax figures. This spells no integrity in the information provided.
The sales person Gareth got aggressive with me when i insisted on pictures of the interiors to move forward. Talking over me, saying that sales move too fast and it is the way it is ....??? I told him as a foreign investor, i needed to ascertain the condition of the interiors, since i am far away. And he said i could fly to Detroit to touch the property. What kind of customer service is this?
I had read an article on investors got scammed on the properties they bought with Experience-international, where the property turned out to be a desolate property. Well, i guess the couple did not insist on pictures of the interiors to begin with, and trusting the purchase without a proper address (to investigate on), and complete sales information to make a proper judgement on the credibility of the sales.
It has an upfront non-refundable fee of 2000 pound, which if one signed and realised it is not the property they ask for at the second payment (where they claim a property report will be provided), would be too late to retract. Can you believe this: He said there is no risk 'cos if the property is not what i like at the second payment after viewing the report, i could swap to another property with no extra cost ... It takes a moron to agree to this remark ! I will be stuck in the purchase, and ripped off on the 2000 pounds and buying a property that may not exist !!!!
Experince international is not the only UK company ripping investors off for hundreds of thousand dollars in the real estate scam in Detroit, they are bed partners with New Orbit funding LLC, whom is another UK base company owned by Sean Murry whom set up shop in an office located in Liviona Mich, which is 15 minutes away from Detroit. They also have a local Realtor who goes by the first name of Al whom is also part of the scheme. Here's how it works, Al gives his password to Real comp, ( which only realtors should only have) to another contact in the UK based office of new orbit funding, at which point, the contact goes into the system and gets privilege information about homes for sale, ( Private home owners information) about homes they are trying to sell, but in order for this to work, new orbit has people on the ground whom goes out and gives information on homes good or bad, most of the time bad, and tell them what it might cost to get property up and running FAST.
The reason for this is, New Orbit funding has already sold the property, with the help of their partners, Experience International ( base in the UK) for 30k- 200k, the other player in this game of deceit is a guy name Casey whom works for and with Experience. These properties are in really bad shape, not generating income as promised, and the poor investor is stuck and out of thousands of dollars. The investor is not wise to the scam at first, because they are promised guarantee rent money up front, In short, the investor is only getting some of there own money back for about 3 months. New Orbit has another front man name Craig simmons whom is part of this overall fraud, he is part of the rehab team trying to put these properties together for as little as possible without any city inspections to these properties.
In our investigations into this fraud, we were told about a guy in Detroit whom has a very popular show on Youtube called The Shea Show, who actually goes around showing homes in there raw condition and warning investors to do there homework before buying homes from companies like New Orbit and Experience international, we also found, that Mr Shea has helped Dozens of investors in the UK find great homes for a very low cost, with a total investment in most cases of 12-15k, and that's buying, rehabbing and renting the property out. If your looking to invest in the Detroit Market, this is the guy you should be contacting, he will save you thousands of dollars and give you video's of what the condition of the property is in before you buy, he can be searched out by the name Proshea01 on google or Youtube.
We have contacted him and showed him what investors have been stuck with, we are hoping that he goes out and shows video of the massive scams that is going on in Detroit. Anyone in the UK, or just anyone looking to invest in property in Detroit needs to say away from these compaines, and follow the Youtube gura Shea from the shea show on where and where not to invest in Detroit.
Do not buy an investment home in Detroit from this company, they are fraudulent and connected to Experience International ( a UK based company) Selling very bad homes, not generating income, selling for 30k -200k in very bad condition., Please search Experience International for more info on this company and what they are doing to investors.
We also found a local guy on the ground in Detroit who has a very popular show on Youtube called The Shea Show, who exposes fraudulent companies whom scams investors, and teaches investors on what not to buy, and where not to invest. If you plan on buying a home in Detroit, this guy is someone you need to contact, he will go out and view the property that someone is trying to sell you, he only charges $100 to make sure your not getting scammed. You can find him on Youtube, member search,, Proshea01 and you can also google Proshea01, it will be the best 100 bucks you ever spent when trying to save thousands