Would you let a thief in your home? If the answer is obvious then you should never ever let Peter George or anyone from everlast paving in your home. This guy is a thief. He is dishonest lie life that should not be trusted.
I had contracted with Everlast Pavers to redo my backyard pavers and install a deck off my kitchen. I have paid a total of $34,685 to date and my back yard is nowhere near completed. Please see a complete list of details by date listed below, but it is imperative that you understand the degree of severity. My husband is handicapped and relies on a handicap scooter to get around. He has Supra Nuclear Palsy. My home has not been conducive to his needs. He has not had access to our backyard or our driveway since May. He has not been afforded any outdoor recreation or exercise on our property. It is a complete danger to him for him to be outside. It is a complete construction zone, our safety fences have been removed, our outdoor furniture has been piled up, and our pool is full of debris. In addition, I have a three year old that cannot go outdoors to her playground or to our swimming pool or to our driveway since May. We cannot enjoy our home. There has been no summer BBQs, no swinging on the swings, no trampoline, no bike riding in the driveway, no ball playing at all. My home is not safe for my handicapped husband or my three year old. Everlast pavers has not only destroyed our backyard, taken all of the money but left us no summer enjoyment at all and we are left in complete disarray and look at nothing but a complete construction zone. The owner Peter George will not return any calls or text messages.
May 14, 2014
I contact Peter George from an advertisement I received to get an estimate on back yard pavers and driveway.
May 15, 2014
Peter George leaves proposal for my review
May 16, 2014
Peter George leaves two pavers in the driveway for me to examine
May 19, 2014
Offers to save me $2000 off a skid loader is we sign now
May 22, 2014
Peter George begins to pressure me into a decision.
May 23, 2014
Peter George continuously calls my cell phone wanting to get a signed contract – I explain to him that we are going to hold off because we are thinking about including a deck off our kitchen. He says he can lower the price and do the deck
May 24, 2014
Peter George shows up at my house He immediately says that he has a connection with a company that installs Trex Decking and because this company owes him money on a bartering deal and had him in court this would be a great way for him to get his money back and for me to get the deck and lower the price of the paver estimate since it will now be less pavers. We draw out the deck and decide what landscaping needs to be relocated and choose the color of the pavers. We also agreed that he would fix the mortar on the front steps between the pavers. He mentions that he is not going to tear up my back yard but put deck on top of deck and save us money – says he was at my house again with his dad. He writes his notes on the contract in pen and I give him a deposit for $12,000.
May 24, 2014
Less than 10 minutes after Peter George leaves my house I get a call from TD Bank asking if he can cash my check.
May 25, 2014
I have all my landscaping in question relocated and pay approximately $360
May 27, 2014
I stay home, miss a day of work to meet with the man to install the Trex Deck and I was informed that Peter George’s grandfather passed away in Maryland and he is gone for the week till Friday, 5/30.
May 29, 2014
Work begins on the bullnose
May 30,2014
The bullnose pavers are partially installed around the pool and I am informed we need a pool part to raise the skimmer baskets. I immediately call our pool company and order the parts. I pay approximately $260
May 31,2014
Peter George comes to the house to collect second third of the contract and states that he now does not want to do a Trex Deck but will get me a good deal and do a paver deck. I explain to him that I will be traveling from 6/2-6/9. He informs me that the work will be completed while I am away. I thought we were paying a third of the cost as deposit and paying the remainder over 6 month. Peter George says no – we need the 2nd third now – I give him two $6000 checks and ask him to cash one now and one while I am away. I am now officially confused as we had spoken about our financial situation and the fact that we leave on a fixed monthly disability check. He assures me that we misunderstood him.
June 2, 2014
Work continued on the bullnose pavers around the deck
June 3, 2014
Peter George calls to see if he can cash the second check
June 5, 2014
I call from my hotel to see how the work is coming along at the house and I am informed that no work has been completed because it has rained the entire week I was away. I ask what the story is on the deck. I want an estimate before we begin. I checked the weather – they was not enough rain to stop work.
June 9, 2014
Peter George says all materials are being delivered on Wednesday, 6/11/14 – He still does not have a quote for me on the paver deck material.
June 11, 2014 – June 13, 2014
Raining – Still no information or pricing on the deck
June 17, 2014
Says he’s in the hospital with his mom but the material was delivered to my driveway
June 18, 2014
No one comes to work till 10am – Work on the deck begins – still no pricing – keeps telling me he is back and forth with his mom in hospital
Later in the evening, work on the deck has begun - Peter George calls and says the deck material is $5400.00. I tell him that is fine and we will pay that as per our arrangement. Since I have now giving him $24,000 and all I have is bullnose around my pool and 1/3 of a deck. He says he needs that money to pay for the material that he got a good deal on and the workers. I argue that this is not correct and he makes me feel bad by saying his mom is in the hospital and may not make it through the night. I tell him to finish the deck complete and I will give him $4000. He then asks me for $685 to pour sand behind my pool steps. I leave both checks for him
June 19, 2014
Work continues on the deck
June 20, 2014
Peter George picks up a $4000 check from me in the AM and a check for $685
No one shows up to work today.
I received a call at 10pm from Peter George hysterical crying telling me that his mom passed away and he is driving through the night to Maryland to arrange for a funeral and that there will be a delivery of pavers in the morning and I would need to pay the delivery guy because he didn’t drop off the money from the check I gave him earlier. I am sleeping and tell him to call me in the AM
June 21, 2014
Peter George asks me to pay the delivery guy $4000. I explain that I do not have that sort of money. He then asks me to post date a check for 7/2/14. I said I am sure you will be back from Maryland by then and you can pay them. He says date it today – they just want it for the file and they won’t cash it. I reluctantly agree. I postdated a check and left it with the workers before heading to NY. I get a call that they need a check dated today. I say I am gone already. I told him I will try to have my husband who is disabled do it but I am sure that if they knew his mother died they can wait till Monday. My husband unsuccessfully tries to write the check.
I buy his men lunch because I know or think he is at his mom’s funeral. Work on the deck is complete and they have begun the curb stone.
June 23, 2014
No one shows up for work today
Peter George tells me that because I did not give them the check in time that the delivery guy from V&S Landscaping was fired for leaving the pavers in my driveway on Saturday, 6/21 without picking up payment and therefore that was the guy who was going to slowly take payment for my order and so therefore he could no longer honor our payment arrangement and wanted an additional $13,000 BEFORE completing my yard. I said ABSOLUTELY NO WAY!
I tell him not to call the guy for the pool steps – put that $685 towards the bill since I had my pool company inspect the situation and they did not feel it was necessary at this point.
June 24, 2014
No one shows up to work today – Wall stone from another company not EP Henry is delivered to my house – UNAUTHORIZED. The bill is for $96x4 pallets. TOTAL OF $384.00. I know this because I call the number on the invoice that is attached to the delivery and find out that it is discontinued stone and on clearance.
Peter George calls and says he at least needs $6000 to pay for the pavers/supplies and that he arranged for his men to wait till 7/15th to get paid for the work done at my house.
June 25, 2014
No one works today - I call V&S Landscaping to check on Peter George’s Story re: the driver being fired. No one can confirm. I call and speak to Joe. I call and speak to Ashley and she informs me that Peter George was just at the warehouse even though he’s supposed to be in Maryland attending his mom’s funeral. I send my husband to take pictures and in fact Peter George is in town.
I confirm with Joe that there were two deliveries to my house 6/17 and 6/21.
June 26, 2014
No one works today – I try to apply for credit directly through EP Henry, they need the invoices sent from the distributor to confirm that they are in fact EP Henry material being used. – I tell EP Henry the story – they verified that V&S Landscaping is a reputable distributor of EP Henry products.
I ask Peter George for proof of the invoices for material he purchased for me from V&S Landscaping and promises they will be faxed over and I never receive them – says it was a cash deal. No workers come today.
Peter George informs me that his workers are away at a Born Again Christian event for four days at the Meadowlands
June 27, 2014
Peter George calls me and said he made an arrangement for me to give him a postdated check for the entire amount plus an additional $500 – so a total of over $14,000, and a check cashing place somewhere he knows will hold my check till 7/15. When I refuse he says he needs at least $6000 for material.
June 28, 2014
I call Peter George to complain and he tells me he will be right over within 30 min he arrives. – I walk him around and show him what was left to be done. I pointed out that the hose needed to be reinstalled, the driveway needed to be cleaned up that he promised to replace the mortar on my front steps. We agreed that the work will take 4 days to complete – we agree on June 30 that all work is to be completed by July 3rd, allowing me access to my yard for the fourth of July holiday. He apologizes and says that his mother’s funeral was very expensive a and he needs the money for material – I reluctantly decide to deplete my savings account and give him another $6,000 for material.
June 28, 2014
Less than 2 hours later I receive a call from a check cashing place asking me if the check was ok to cash.
June 30, 2014
No work is done – Peter George promises that he just received the caps for the wall and will be there tomorrow at 7:30am with four extra guys.
July 1, 2014
Work on the wall begins – They block in my husband’s car with all the debris from the stone wall.
July 2, 2014
Peter George says that they delivered the wrong pavers/caps for the wall and they are coming from Pennsylvania on Tuesday, July 8th. I ask for the other work that can be done to get started. He tells me he is in the hospital with one of his worker’s – he suffered heat stroke.
July 3, 2014
Peter George sends someone to move the debris in the driveway and claims he can’t get to the dump
July 7, 2-014
No worker’s show up
July 8, 2014
Peter George claims that the pavers were just dropped off at the landscaping company at 5pm. And promises me a $200 discount because of the mix up.
July 9, 2014
I called Peter George repeatedly no answer – his son tells me he is on a machine loading pavers. The tops to the wall are delivered and the debris from the driveway is removed.
July 10, 2014
No delivery – no work
July 11, 2014
Peter George tells me that he will be at my house July 14th – July 16th to finish
July 14, 2014
He tells me its going to rain through Wednesday and if it stops he will be there Tuesday, 7/15th.
July 15, 2014
Peter George does not answer or return any phone calls
July 16, 2014
Peter George does not answer or return any phone calls. Stone Dust is delivered to my driveway.
July 17, 2014
Peter George promises to come tomorrow at 2pm and says the pavers are in his yard.
July 17, 2014
I called today the reference hat he gave me and told him our story. The poor man is dumb founded at horrified a our story.
July 17, 2014
I filed a complaint with the NJ Attorney General’s Office
July 18, 2014
No calls from Peter George – at 5:30pm his workers show up and sweep my yard
July 21, 2014
No workers – No Work
July 22, 2014
At 4:30pm – Workers show up and distribute stone dust all over my yard
July 23, 2014
No pavers delivered – Workers continue to spread stone dust
July 24, 2014
No pavers delivered – No Work – now my yard is covered in stone dust and we cannot walk outside. All my outdoor furniture has been used to barricade us in on the deck.
July 25,2014
No Pavers delivered – No Work – I call everyday and text Peter George – No answer
July 28, 2014
No pavers delivered – no Work
July 29, 2014
No pavers delivered – no work
July 30, 2014
No pavers delivered – no work
July 31, 2014
No pavers delivered – no work
July 31, 2014
Today I filed a Civil Law Complaint and filed an official law suit
Everlast Paving & Brick Pavers Reviews
dont trust peter george
Would you let a thief in your home? If the answer is obvious then you should never ever let Peter George or anyone from everlast paving in your home. This guy is a thief. He is dishonest lie life that should not be trusted.
I had contracted with Everlast Pavers to redo my backyard pavers and install a deck off my kitchen. I have paid a total of $34,685 to date and my back yard is nowhere near completed. Please see a complete list of details by date listed below, but it is imperative that you understand the degree of severity. My husband is handicapped and relies on a handicap scooter to get around. He has Supra Nuclear Palsy. My home has not been conducive to his needs. He has not had access to our backyard or our driveway since May. He has not been afforded any outdoor recreation or exercise on our property. It is a complete danger to him for him to be outside. It is a complete construction zone, our safety fences have been removed, our outdoor furniture has been piled up, and our pool is full of debris. In addition, I have a three year old that cannot go outdoors to her playground or to our swimming pool or to our driveway since May. We cannot enjoy our home. There has been no summer BBQs, no swinging on the swings, no trampoline, no bike riding in the driveway, no ball playing at all. My home is not safe for my handicapped husband or my three year old. Everlast pavers has not only destroyed our backyard, taken all of the money but left us no summer enjoyment at all and we are left in complete disarray and look at nothing but a complete construction zone. The owner Peter George will not return any calls or text messages.
May 14, 2014
I contact Peter George from an advertisement I received to get an estimate on back yard pavers and driveway.
May 15, 2014
Peter George leaves proposal for my review
May 16, 2014
Peter George leaves two pavers in the driveway for me to examine
May 19, 2014
Offers to save me $2000 off a skid loader is we sign now
May 22, 2014
Peter George begins to pressure me into a decision.
May 23, 2014
Peter George continuously calls my cell phone wanting to get a signed contract – I explain to him that we are going to hold off because we are thinking about including a deck off our kitchen. He says he can lower the price and do the deck
May 24, 2014
Peter George shows up at my house He immediately says that he has a connection with a company that installs Trex Decking and because this company owes him money on a bartering deal and had him in court this would be a great way for him to get his money back and for me to get the deck and lower the price of the paver estimate since it will now be less pavers. We draw out the deck and decide what landscaping needs to be relocated and choose the color of the pavers. We also agreed that he would fix the mortar on the front steps between the pavers. He mentions that he is not going to tear up my back yard but put deck on top of deck and save us money – says he was at my house again with his dad. He writes his notes on the contract in pen and I give him a deposit for $12,000.
May 24, 2014
Less than 10 minutes after Peter George leaves my house I get a call from TD Bank asking if he can cash my check.
May 25, 2014
I have all my landscaping in question relocated and pay approximately $360
May 27, 2014
I stay home, miss a day of work to meet with the man to install the Trex Deck and I was informed that Peter George’s grandfather passed away in Maryland and he is gone for the week till Friday, 5/30.
May 29, 2014
Work begins on the bullnose
May 30,2014
The bullnose pavers are partially installed around the pool and I am informed we need a pool part to raise the skimmer baskets. I immediately call our pool company and order the parts. I pay approximately $260
May 31,2014
Peter George comes to the house to collect second third of the contract and states that he now does not want to do a Trex Deck but will get me a good deal and do a paver deck. I explain to him that I will be traveling from 6/2-6/9. He informs me that the work will be completed while I am away. I thought we were paying a third of the cost as deposit and paying the remainder over 6 month. Peter George says no – we need the 2nd third now – I give him two $6000 checks and ask him to cash one now and one while I am away. I am now officially confused as we had spoken about our financial situation and the fact that we leave on a fixed monthly disability check. He assures me that we misunderstood him.
June 2, 2014
Work continued on the bullnose pavers around the deck
June 3, 2014
Peter George calls to see if he can cash the second check
June 5, 2014
I call from my hotel to see how the work is coming along at the house and I am informed that no work has been completed because it has rained the entire week I was away. I ask what the story is on the deck. I want an estimate before we begin. I checked the weather – they was not enough rain to stop work.
June 9, 2014
Peter George says all materials are being delivered on Wednesday, 6/11/14 – He still does not have a quote for me on the paver deck material.
June 11, 2014 – June 13, 2014
Raining – Still no information or pricing on the deck
June 17, 2014
Says he’s in the hospital with his mom but the material was delivered to my driveway
June 18, 2014
No one comes to work till 10am – Work on the deck begins – still no pricing – keeps telling me he is back and forth with his mom in hospital
Later in the evening, work on the deck has begun - Peter George calls and says the deck material is $5400.00. I tell him that is fine and we will pay that as per our arrangement. Since I have now giving him $24,000 and all I have is bullnose around my pool and 1/3 of a deck. He says he needs that money to pay for the material that he got a good deal on and the workers. I argue that this is not correct and he makes me feel bad by saying his mom is in the hospital and may not make it through the night. I tell him to finish the deck complete and I will give him $4000. He then asks me for $685 to pour sand behind my pool steps. I leave both checks for him
June 19, 2014
Work continues on the deck
June 20, 2014
Peter George picks up a $4000 check from me in the AM and a check for $685
No one shows up to work today.
I received a call at 10pm from Peter George hysterical crying telling me that his mom passed away and he is driving through the night to Maryland to arrange for a funeral and that there will be a delivery of pavers in the morning and I would need to pay the delivery guy because he didn’t drop off the money from the check I gave him earlier. I am sleeping and tell him to call me in the AM
June 21, 2014
Peter George asks me to pay the delivery guy $4000. I explain that I do not have that sort of money. He then asks me to post date a check for 7/2/14. I said I am sure you will be back from Maryland by then and you can pay them. He says date it today – they just want it for the file and they won’t cash it. I reluctantly agree. I postdated a check and left it with the workers before heading to NY. I get a call that they need a check dated today. I say I am gone already. I told him I will try to have my husband who is disabled do it but I am sure that if they knew his mother died they can wait till Monday. My husband unsuccessfully tries to write the check.
I buy his men lunch because I know or think he is at his mom’s funeral. Work on the deck is complete and they have begun the curb stone.
June 23, 2014
No one shows up for work today
Peter George tells me that because I did not give them the check in time that the delivery guy from V&S Landscaping was fired for leaving the pavers in my driveway on Saturday, 6/21 without picking up payment and therefore that was the guy who was going to slowly take payment for my order and so therefore he could no longer honor our payment arrangement and wanted an additional $13,000 BEFORE completing my yard. I said ABSOLUTELY NO WAY!
I tell him not to call the guy for the pool steps – put that $685 towards the bill since I had my pool company inspect the situation and they did not feel it was necessary at this point.
June 24, 2014
No one shows up to work today – Wall stone from another company not EP Henry is delivered to my house – UNAUTHORIZED. The bill is for $96x4 pallets. TOTAL OF $384.00. I know this because I call the number on the invoice that is attached to the delivery and find out that it is discontinued stone and on clearance.
Peter George calls and says he at least needs $6000 to pay for the pavers/supplies and that he arranged for his men to wait till 7/15th to get paid for the work done at my house.
June 25, 2014
No one works today - I call V&S Landscaping to check on Peter George’s Story re: the driver being fired. No one can confirm. I call and speak to Joe. I call and speak to Ashley and she informs me that Peter George was just at the warehouse even though he’s supposed to be in Maryland attending his mom’s funeral. I send my husband to take pictures and in fact Peter George is in town.
I confirm with Joe that there were two deliveries to my house 6/17 and 6/21.
June 26, 2014
No one works today – I try to apply for credit directly through EP Henry, they need the invoices sent from the distributor to confirm that they are in fact EP Henry material being used. – I tell EP Henry the story – they verified that V&S Landscaping is a reputable distributor of EP Henry products.
I ask Peter George for proof of the invoices for material he purchased for me from V&S Landscaping and promises they will be faxed over and I never receive them – says it was a cash deal. No workers come today.
Peter George informs me that his workers are away at a Born Again Christian event for four days at the Meadowlands
June 27, 2014
Peter George calls me and said he made an arrangement for me to give him a postdated check for the entire amount plus an additional $500 – so a total of over $14,000, and a check cashing place somewhere he knows will hold my check till 7/15. When I refuse he says he needs at least $6000 for material.
June 28, 2014
I call Peter George to complain and he tells me he will be right over within 30 min he arrives. – I walk him around and show him what was left to be done. I pointed out that the hose needed to be reinstalled, the driveway needed to be cleaned up that he promised to replace the mortar on my front steps. We agreed that the work will take 4 days to complete – we agree on June 30 that all work is to be completed by July 3rd, allowing me access to my yard for the fourth of July holiday. He apologizes and says that his mother’s funeral was very expensive a and he needs the money for material – I reluctantly decide to deplete my savings account and give him another $6,000 for material.
June 28, 2014
Less than 2 hours later I receive a call from a check cashing place asking me if the check was ok to cash.
June 30, 2014
No work is done – Peter George promises that he just received the caps for the wall and will be there tomorrow at 7:30am with four extra guys.
July 1, 2014
Work on the wall begins – They block in my husband’s car with all the debris from the stone wall.
July 2, 2014
Peter George says that they delivered the wrong pavers/caps for the wall and they are coming from Pennsylvania on Tuesday, July 8th. I ask for the other work that can be done to get started. He tells me he is in the hospital with one of his worker’s – he suffered heat stroke.
July 3, 2014
Peter George sends someone to move the debris in the driveway and claims he can’t get to the dump
July 7, 2-014
No worker’s show up
July 8, 2014
Peter George claims that the pavers were just dropped off at the landscaping company at 5pm. And promises me a $200 discount because of the mix up.
July 9, 2014
I called Peter George repeatedly no answer – his son tells me he is on a machine loading pavers. The tops to the wall are delivered and the debris from the driveway is removed.
July 10, 2014
No delivery – no work
July 11, 2014
Peter George tells me that he will be at my house July 14th – July 16th to finish
July 14, 2014
He tells me its going to rain through Wednesday and if it stops he will be there Tuesday, 7/15th.
July 15, 2014
Peter George does not answer or return any phone calls
July 16, 2014
Peter George does not answer or return any phone calls. Stone Dust is delivered to my driveway.
July 17, 2014
Peter George promises to come tomorrow at 2pm and says the pavers are in his yard.
July 17, 2014
I called today the reference hat he gave me and told him our story. The poor man is dumb founded at horrified a our story.
July 17, 2014
I filed a complaint with the NJ Attorney General’s Office
July 18, 2014
No calls from Peter George – at 5:30pm his workers show up and sweep my yard
July 21, 2014
No workers – No Work
July 22, 2014
At 4:30pm – Workers show up and distribute stone dust all over my yard
July 23, 2014
No pavers delivered – Workers continue to spread stone dust
July 24, 2014
No pavers delivered – No Work – now my yard is covered in stone dust and we cannot walk outside. All my outdoor furniture has been used to barricade us in on the deck.
July 25,2014
No Pavers delivered – No Work – I call everyday and text Peter George – No answer
July 28, 2014
No pavers delivered – no Work
July 29, 2014
No pavers delivered – no work
July 30, 2014
No pavers delivered – no work
July 31, 2014
No pavers delivered – no work
July 31, 2014
Today I filed a Civil Law Complaint and filed an official law suit