I was contacted by Erick Kalmus about five years ago in reference to his abducted child Amy Kalmus. Erick had been married to a Japanese women and traveled to japan with her where his daughter was born. Shortly afterwards they seperated and devorced. Read his story line on CRN Japan web site.
During the last four years Erick Kalmus became interested in being an expert on japan child custody cases. My company, Zamora and Associates, assisted Erick Kalmus and several parents on their cases in Japan, as he referred them to us. As a result of out successful track record of child recoveries from Japan Erick listed us on the CRN Japan web site. Erick Kalums is the "web master", [email protected], orginizer and developer of the web site.
Erick Kalmus began to insist that we at Zamora and Associates list him as an expert on Japan child recovery casesand "bill him in on cases as a consultant".
We felt that this would not be in the best interest of our japan clients as most families and left behind parents have little financial ability to recovery their children after excesseve legal cost in their child custody battles. The fact that CRN Japan was a non profit orgnization concerned uis as to the legal ramifications of hireing Erick Kalmus!
Over the last two years Erick began a relationship with another company, ABP World Group LTD, located in the country of Norway. We at Zamora and Associates knew of this company, established a relationship with the owner "Martin" and consulted with them on various cases. Erick Kalmus also established a relationship with the compny and owner.
last year we at Zamora and Associates hired Erick kalmus to design and host a new web site for our company. we were charged and paid Erick Kalmus $2500 to complete this task. That same week that we paid Erick Kalmus for the site he took his family on a vacation to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. The site went up within week's however the content of the site concerened us. The site consisted of a "cut and paste" job from our previous site. Only the layout and design were different, the information was the same. We insisted on Erick kalmus completeing the site, which he never did. After several months of dealing and argueing with Erick Kalmus we realized something was not right. We were given many excuses of sick family menbers, children in the hospital and personal health issues over the course of those several months.
During this time period we had several clients who had contacted us through news reports, TV programs and word of mouth. The web site that Erick Kalmus had was hosteing had not provided many, if any all, hits? We had several of our contact clients misteriously appear as new clients for ABP World Group LTD. We investigated our site and found that Erick Kalmus had "linked his own site to ours" and was speaking directly to our clients behind our back. Erick Kalmus accomplishe this by placeing an alternate e mail address onto our site, as the web site master. As a result all inquiries would go directly to Erick Kalmus! He was also diverting those clients to ABP World Group LTD and recieveing a finders fee from them.. ABP World Group LTD aslo appeared on the CRN Japan web site as "investigators.
Upon further investigation by Zamora and Associates we discovered that Erick Kalmus had created and hosted atleast two pay pornographic web site's that also would take the visitor to other site's hosteing child pornography! Alarmed and disgusted by these dveelopments and revelations we ordered Erick Kalmus to stop hosting our web site and remove his link that he had placed on it. The link that Erick Kalmus placed on out site links was www.ParentalAbduction.net, at 805-244-5311. We called this number and Erick Kalmus answered the phone!
Erick kalmus charged us for a web site that he never completed. He clandestinely added an alternate e mail contact address to our site that would go directly to him and by passing Zamora and Associates. Erick Kalmus then illigally conspired with ABP World Group LTD to divert our clients to their organization via a non profit organnization for personal monatary gain. Erick Kalmus is now listed on the internet directly to ABP World Group LTD and he has removed us, Zamora and Associates from the CRN Japan.net site. Erick kalmus reviews all potential left behind parents to ABP World Group LTD as a paid consultant and has traveled to various asian countries as a "paid contract employee of ABP World Group LTD. Our attempts to contacts ABP World Group LTD and speak to them about this situation only resulted in them remving us from their contact kist and no further communications. The Modus Operandi of ABP World Group LTD is to charge all clients/parents 30,000 euros, up from retainer fees, for a case evaluation. Once the funds are paid the client/Parent is given a price of anywhere from $150,000 t0 $250,000 dollars of which no client/parent can pay! Erick Kalmus is a paid associate of this organization!
Erick Kalmas Reviews
I was contacted by Erick Kalmus about five years ago in reference to his abducted child Amy Kalmus. Erick had been married to a Japanese women and traveled to japan with her where his daughter was born. Shortly afterwards they seperated and devorced. Read his story line on CRN Japan web site.
During the last four years Erick Kalmus became interested in being an expert on japan child custody cases. My company, Zamora and Associates, assisted Erick Kalmus and several parents on their cases in Japan, as he referred them to us. As a result of out successful track record of child recoveries from Japan Erick listed us on the CRN Japan web site. Erick Kalums is the "web master", [email protected], orginizer and developer of the web site.
Erick Kalmus began to insist that we at Zamora and Associates list him as an expert on Japan child recovery casesand "bill him in on cases as a consultant".
We felt that this would not be in the best interest of our japan clients as most families and left behind parents have little financial ability to recovery their children after excesseve legal cost in their child custody battles. The fact that CRN Japan was a non profit orgnization concerned uis as to the legal ramifications of hireing Erick Kalmus!
Over the last two years Erick began a relationship with another company, ABP World Group LTD, located in the country of Norway. We at Zamora and Associates knew of this company, established a relationship with the owner "Martin" and consulted with them on various cases. Erick Kalmus also established a relationship with the compny and owner.
last year we at Zamora and Associates hired Erick kalmus to design and host a new web site for our company. we were charged and paid Erick Kalmus $2500 to complete this task. That same week that we paid Erick Kalmus for the site he took his family on a vacation to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. The site went up within week's however the content of the site concerened us. The site consisted of a "cut and paste" job from our previous site. Only the layout and design were different, the information was the same. We insisted on Erick kalmus completeing the site, which he never did. After several months of dealing and argueing with Erick Kalmus we realized something was not right. We were given many excuses of sick family menbers, children in the hospital and personal health issues over the course of those several months.
During this time period we had several clients who had contacted us through news reports, TV programs and word of mouth. The web site that Erick Kalmus had was hosteing had not provided many, if any all, hits? We had several of our contact clients misteriously appear as new clients for ABP World Group LTD. We investigated our site and found that Erick Kalmus had "linked his own site to ours" and was speaking directly to our clients behind our back. Erick Kalmus accomplishe this by placeing an alternate e mail address onto our site, as the web site master. As a result all inquiries would go directly to Erick Kalmus! He was also diverting those clients to ABP World Group LTD and recieveing a finders fee from them.. ABP World Group LTD aslo appeared on the CRN Japan web site as "investigators.
Upon further investigation by Zamora and Associates we discovered that Erick Kalmus had created and hosted atleast two pay pornographic web site's that also would take the visitor to other site's hosteing child pornography! Alarmed and disgusted by these dveelopments and revelations we ordered Erick Kalmus to stop hosting our web site and remove his link that he had placed on it. The link that Erick Kalmus placed on out site links was www.ParentalAbduction.net, at 805-244-5311. We called this number and Erick Kalmus answered the phone!
Erick kalmus charged us for a web site that he never completed. He clandestinely added an alternate e mail contact address to our site that would go directly to him and by passing Zamora and Associates. Erick Kalmus then illigally conspired with ABP World Group LTD to divert our clients to their organization via a non profit organnization for personal monatary gain. Erick Kalmus is now listed on the internet directly to ABP World Group LTD and he has removed us, Zamora and Associates from the CRN Japan.net site. Erick kalmus reviews all potential left behind parents to ABP World Group LTD as a paid consultant and has traveled to various asian countries as a "paid contract employee of ABP World Group LTD. Our attempts to contacts ABP World Group LTD and speak to them about this situation only resulted in them remving us from their contact kist and no further communications. The Modus Operandi of ABP World Group LTD is to charge all clients/parents 30,000 euros, up from retainer fees, for a case evaluation. Once the funds are paid the client/Parent is given a price of anywhere from $150,000 t0 $250,000 dollars of which no client/parent can pay! Erick Kalmus is a paid associate of this organization!