I responded to a craigslist Ad, thinking it would give me the career of a life time. Marketing for Verizon Wireless, and the top fortune 500 companies. Boy was I wrong. When first arriving to the office, I arrived with a bunch of people who all cramed into the same tight elevator in a building in Times SQ. The 5 of us all were going up to the 5th floor. That was my first moment of wondering this is too good to be true. The second we arrive, there are no signs indicating where to go, only a door that says "entrance". When I entered the office, 20 other people were there filling out personality test forms, and being interviewed for the same job.
The office was small, about 4 offices. I was waiting an hour before being seen by a lady named Hannah. Her and I hit it off, the interview went well. However she forgot to mention that I would have to stay the next day for the duration of 7 hours without pay. She had said that someone will contact me by 5pm the day of the interview to let me know if I made it to the second interview. By 4 pm I had recieved a phone call saying to bring in another copy of my resume, and that instead of the times 12pm-8pm to be free, that
I would have to come in and stay for that duration of time. After hearing this, and them saying that it is an interview. I will not be attending. I went home did research and found that many people are being duped by this company. They offer lies and false promises as everyone else has stated on the net. I'm not mad that I fell for their con, I expected it to be one since the ad they posted on craigslist, and are located in con central otherwise known as Times Sq.
I wlll not be attending the second interview. I hope you don't either.
Went to the same place they called me back for a second interveiw but once I looked them up and seen everything I didn't go but crazy thing is monster sent me job listing and I clicked on one and it was a different name than eqm incorporated but same address smh they had the nerve to call me about the second interview I felt like going to the crummy ass building and throwing a match let that place burn
I just interviewed for them and had the EXACT same experience as the other reviews on here. Upon doing further research, I found out that EVERYTHING they said in the interview and in the job post is a LIE. This is not marketing, this is standing on the corner selling shit in the ghetto... Seriously!
Oh and that 30-45k salary on their posts... It's COMMISSION ONLY! 1099 ONLY!
Just google their address! This is their FIFTH business name! They change constantly because of bad reviews! And they also owe sales people tons of back pay from what I've seen!
I was job searching tonight and they are posting the same job on Craigslist with a different business name! Flagged!!!
I would have to agree with the previous review about this place. When I first got the call for this company, I did my research and I was a little bit skeptical. However, I went on the interview anyway. What that other person said on Aug. 14 was exactly what happened to the exact wording. They said that they would let me know whether I made it for the second interview at around 6-7PM. If I do get the phone call, I will probably be hesitant and not go.
EQM, Incorporated Reviews
I responded to a craigslist Ad, thinking it would give me the career of a life time. Marketing for Verizon Wireless, and the top fortune 500 companies. Boy was I wrong. When first arriving to the office, I arrived with a bunch of people who all cramed into the same tight elevator in a building in Times SQ. The 5 of us all were going up to the 5th floor. That was my first moment of wondering this is too good to be true. The second we arrive, there are no signs indicating where to go, only a door that says "entrance". When I entered the office, 20 other people were there filling out personality test forms, and being interviewed for the same job.
The office was small, about 4 offices. I was waiting an hour before being seen by a lady named Hannah. Her and I hit it off, the interview went well. However she forgot to mention that I would have to stay the next day for the duration of 7 hours without pay. She had said that someone will contact me by 5pm the day of the interview to let me know if I made it to the second interview. By 4 pm I had recieved a phone call saying to bring in another copy of my resume, and that instead of the times 12pm-8pm to be free, that
I would have to come in and stay for that duration of time. After hearing this, and them saying that it is an interview. I will not be attending. I went home did research and found that many people are being duped by this company. They offer lies and false promises as everyone else has stated on the net. I'm not mad that I fell for their con, I expected it to be one since the ad they posted on craigslist, and are located in con central otherwise known as Times Sq.
I wlll not be attending the second interview. I hope you don't either.
they changed their name already
Went to the same place they called me back for a second interveiw but once I looked them up and seen everything I didn't go but crazy thing is monster sent me job listing and I clicked on one and it was a different name than eqm incorporated but same address smh they had the nerve to call me about the second interview I felt like going to the crummy ass building and throwing a match let that place burn
What a SCAM
I just interviewed for them and had the EXACT same experience as the other reviews on here. Upon doing further research, I found out that EVERYTHING they said in the interview and in the job post is a LIE. This is not marketing, this is standing on the corner selling shit in the ghetto... Seriously!
Oh and that 30-45k salary on their posts... It's COMMISSION ONLY! 1099 ONLY!
Just google their address! This is their FIFTH business name! They change constantly because of bad reviews! And they also owe sales people tons of back pay from what I've seen!
I was job searching tonight and they are posting the same job on Craigslist with a different business name! Flagged!!!
I would have to agree with the previous review about this place. When I first got the call for this company, I did my research and I was a little bit skeptical. However, I went on the interview anyway. What that other person said on Aug. 14 was exactly what happened to the exact wording. They said that they would let me know whether I made it for the second interview at around 6-7PM. If I do get the phone call, I will probably be hesitant and not go.
Please no one else be stooped by this company.