Yes dry buddy pays people from craigslist to write fake reviews to get more sales, when in truth the product that he sale doesn't work the slightest. They scour around this website looking for someone for 5-10 bucks to post a review. DONT DO IT!!!
There are similar products like his that actually work. But most people who really used it say it malfunctioned within a week. I'm not surprise that is why he wants people to think its a great product when its really a third world product that never made it. This is the product on amazon.
I think it should be illegal for a company to pay for fake reviews to con people into buying malfunctioning electronics.
I confronted the person from the ads on craiglist and here are a couple of his emails when I posted a review exposing his secret.
This has got to be the worst 5-star review ever. You can't be serious and expect me to pay you for this. I was expecting you to write something extraordinary. This appears to be written by a child. I think you should pay me $10 for writing this.
I am disappointed.
Thanks but no thanks for the review. You cant change this to a 1-star now....
So long.....
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Enuresis Solutions LLC Reviews
Yes dry buddy pays people from craigslist to write fake reviews to get more sales, when in truth the product that he sale doesn't work the slightest. They scour around this website looking for someone for 5-10 bucks to post a review. DONT DO IT!!!
There are similar products like his that actually work. But most people who really used it say it malfunctioned within a week. I'm not surprise that is why he wants people to think its a great product when its really a third world product that never made it. This is the product on amazon.
I think it should be illegal for a company to pay for fake reviews to con people into buying malfunctioning electronics.
I confronted the person from the ads on craiglist and here are a couple of his emails when I posted a review exposing his secret.
To [email protected]
May 20 at 10:40 PM
Awesome. Post the review (5-star only) and then send me a link to it. I will pay you.
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Original craigslist post:
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and here is another
To [email protected]
May 21 at 2:10 AM
This has got to be the worst 5-star review ever. You can't be serious and expect me to pay you for this. I was expecting you to write something extraordinary. This appears to be written by a child. I think you should pay me $10 for writing this.
I am disappointed.
Thanks but no thanks for the review. You cant change this to a 1-star now....
So long.....
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Original craigslist post:
About craigslist mail:
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and heres another
To [email protected]
May 22 at 9:08 PM
Idiot.... I got your stupid review removed. Good riddance. You give stupidity a whole new meaning.
Low life looser..... j***.
If you and your friends post clumsy reviews I will remove them as well.
On Wednesday, May 21, 2014 8:42 AM, Mary Walker wrote:
Screw you...
So now you see dont do business with someone who has to distort their product to sell it.