I installed four Pulstar spark plugs in my Saturn VUE. The spark plugs did boost gas mileage. About three months later the vehicle started to experience momentary bouts of power loss while I drove on the highway. After a week or so I investigated thinking I should check the plugs I installed. The first plug I removed had no sparking point and was missing a significant amount of glass. Enerpulse replaced the plugs. The spark plugs have been good since replacement. A couple of weeks after the plugs were replaced I found my oil was low, off the stick. The VUE had never needed any oil between changes and would never even appear to have used oil between changes. This oil use was completely unexpected. I could only figure that the disintegrated Pulstar plug had something to do with the oil use. Enerpulse assured me the disintegrated spark plug had nothing to do my vehicles sudden consumption of oil. I inquired about how to be sure of their diagnosis and was not suggested any diagnostic. The VUE continues to use about a quart of oil for every thousand miles driven. Enerpulse has not responed to my last two inquiries concerning the issue.
Enerpulse Incorporated Reviews
I installed four Pulstar spark plugs in my Saturn VUE. The spark plugs did boost gas mileage. About three months later the vehicle started to experience momentary bouts of power loss while I drove on the highway. After a week or so I investigated thinking I should check the plugs I installed. The first plug I removed had no sparking point and was missing a significant amount of glass. Enerpulse replaced the plugs. The spark plugs have been good since replacement. A couple of weeks after the plugs were replaced I found my oil was low, off the stick. The VUE had never needed any oil between changes and would never even appear to have used oil between changes. This oil use was completely unexpected. I could only figure that the disintegrated Pulstar plug had something to do with the oil use. Enerpulse assured me the disintegrated spark plug had nothing to do my vehicles sudden consumption of oil. I inquired about how to be sure of their diagnosis and was not suggested any diagnostic. The VUE continues to use about a quart of oil for every thousand miles driven. Enerpulse has not responed to my last two inquiries concerning the issue.