You must all know this woman. She is MD of the Kent Golbal radio and Head of the Kent IOD. What was everyone thinking. The woman is an embarrasement on every level. She is a man eater who makes a complete idiot of herslef at every evbent taht she attends. Shje is an alcoholic and a habitual drug taker as well. She trys to hold herslf together bu th ecracks are showing. Emma focus on your own husband and leave other peoples husbands alone. Stop the drugs and stop drinking. Have some self respect fro yourself and your family,. Your poor huisabnd. How foolish he must feel with such a tart drug addict by his side. The expression is a a woman scorned and now I will tell the whole world.
Emma Liddiard Global Radio Reviews
You must all know this woman. She is MD of the Kent Golbal radio and Head of the Kent IOD. What was everyone thinking. The woman is an embarrasement on every level. She is a man eater who makes a complete idiot of herslef at every evbent taht she attends. Shje is an alcoholic and a habitual drug taker as well. She trys to hold herslf together bu th ecracks are showing. Emma focus on your own husband and leave other peoples husbands alone. Stop the drugs and stop drinking. Have some self respect fro yourself and your family,. Your poor huisabnd. How foolish he must feel with such a tart drug addict by his side. The expression is a a woman scorned and now I will tell the whole world.