If you've ever had fraudulent charges made on your credit card, you have probably experienced a helpful company that returned your finances right away provisionally and completed all the work for you!
I had a fraudulent $377. 70 charge on my credit card from Progressive Insurance. The credit card is through my bank, A+ Federal Credit Union and owned by Elan Financial Services. I have never had an account with Progressive so I knew this was not my charge and it was fraud immediately.
I called the credit card company and they did close my account immediately.
However, they will not return the money to my account until I receive a letter (within 7-10 business days), mail it (2-5 days more) and then it will take them an additional 7-10 business days to process it. Then they must hear back from Progressive and when all of that is done I may have the money refunded to my account.
As a consumer, I will never use this card again and when it is paid off next month, I wll close the account. I have been the victim of fraudulent charges over the past four years on my American Express account, Target account and Capital One account. All of those companies handled the situation immediately and refunded the money by the next day to my account.
Elan Financial Services is not in the Better Business Bureau. They are mismanaged and outdated and your money is not safe with them! Do not use their cards!
I was sent a bill for over $3000.00 by ELAN Financial in which they repeatedly have claimed that I charged a credit card in my name. I have never applied for credit with ELAN Financial nor did I ever have a credit card in my name from their company. I have filed several disputes with the company in writing. I have sent affidavits requested by them affirming that the account that was open with my name was not mine nor did I apply for any credit with them.
I have written ELAN Financial several times and have requested that any communication required shall be done in writing to make sure that there is evidentual proof of our communication. ELAN insisted that I talk to them over the phone and if I didn't do so that they would conclude that the account was mine based on their proofs. I have requested copies of this proof they so called have and I never received anything in the mail.
I contacted the Credit Bureaus to let them know that this account was not mine and that I never opened an account with ELAN Financial and requested that they investigate the matter. I received a letter from the Bureaus that their investigation concluded that the account was mine. I then wrote the Bureaus back and requested proof of their findings but they have not been successful in supplying me with proof.
I now have 3 months that have been reported late on my credit and no one seems to help me. This seems like the one commiting a fraudulent act here is ELAN Financial.
Elan Financial Services Reviews
If you've ever had fraudulent charges made on your credit card, you have probably experienced a helpful company that returned your finances right away provisionally and completed all the work for you!
I had a fraudulent $377. 70 charge on my credit card from Progressive Insurance. The credit card is through my bank, A+ Federal Credit Union and owned by Elan Financial Services. I have never had an account with Progressive so I knew this was not my charge and it was fraud immediately.
I called the credit card company and they did close my account immediately.
However, they will not return the money to my account until I receive a letter (within 7-10 business days), mail it (2-5 days more) and then it will take them an additional 7-10 business days to process it. Then they must hear back from Progressive and when all of that is done I may have the money refunded to my account.
As a consumer, I will never use this card again and when it is paid off next month, I wll close the account. I have been the victim of fraudulent charges over the past four years on my American Express account, Target account and Capital One account. All of those companies handled the situation immediately and refunded the money by the next day to my account.
Elan Financial Services is not in the Better Business Bureau. They are mismanaged and outdated and your money is not safe with them! Do not use their cards!
I was sent a bill for over $3000.00 by ELAN Financial in which they repeatedly have claimed that I charged a credit card in my name. I have never applied for credit with ELAN Financial nor did I ever have a credit card in my name from their company. I have filed several disputes with the company in writing. I have sent affidavits requested by them affirming that the account that was open with my name was not mine nor did I apply for any credit with them.
I have written ELAN Financial several times and have requested that any communication required shall be done in writing to make sure that there is evidentual proof of our communication. ELAN insisted that I talk to them over the phone and if I didn't do so that they would conclude that the account was mine based on their proofs. I have requested copies of this proof they so called have and I never received anything in the mail.
I contacted the Credit Bureaus to let them know that this account was not mine and that I never opened an account with ELAN Financial and requested that they investigate the matter. I received a letter from the Bureaus that their investigation concluded that the account was mine. I then wrote the Bureaus back and requested proof of their findings but they have not been successful in supplying me with proof.
I now have 3 months that have been reported late on my credit and no one seems to help me. This seems like the one commiting a fraudulent act here is ELAN Financial.