EasyWayShipping LTD

Country United States
State Congo
City Portland
Address 13806 NE Airport Way
Phone 9715337344
Website easywayshipping.com

EasyWayShipping LTD Reviews

  • Jun 28, 2014

Was hired by

Supervisor name:

Brian Hanson HR Manager

Go here to see our contract- http://easywayshipping.com/careers

The tasks and duties of a Premium Agent include:

receiving the post correspondence to his/her address-

external examination of the packages-

repacking/consolidation of the items (if necessary)-

sending of the correspondence to an address given-

3/6/2014- Start

4/7/2014 - End

End/Last work day, was the confirmation of last package i shipped to Mariya Ivashenko was recieved. I was soon after that locked out of the control panel. I'd written asking for my pay, he said i would be paid at xx date, via paypal. I haven't ever recieved it.

They owe $750.00. Hard fact proof of deliveries, and achieving all work on time, all was done before deadlines. I've shipped for years. Had plans to help my girls in college get clothes/incidentals. I am a volunteer for disabled people and feed the poor. 8 1/2 years. LoL Never thought I'd be writing this.

The company is this- They purchase goods to be shipped to countries where certain goods cannot be purchased. Total amount of values i shipped that month amounted to: $10,799.24. There is another shipping company I confirmed, this too isn't hearsay, this is fact based- it is - http://www.grab-a-gift.com/.

I understand that grab-a-gift, does pay its employees. I'd contacted someone there to ask for help, and recieved none. That company was on the recieving end of the packages I'd shipped to the next drop person.

Please everyone know, EasyWayShipping, I worked hard for, and did a superb job, and never got paid. They were so rude, after the month was over, they literally locked me out of the control panel. No one has ever said anything to me since.

I kept proof of everything, including photos. I had a friend say, hey protect yourself incase they're not what they say they are.

They owe me $750.00.

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