If you try to place an order with this company, they will use a classic bait and switch first showing you their "wholesale prices" one you place your order input your payment information etc. You will receive a confirmation email stating you should receive your order in about 10 business days. After 3 weeks I sent an email asking for a tracking number. One month I sent another. I sent 6 emails. I never even got a assignee courtesy response. I also tried to call the company several times they have no till free number which should have been a dead giveaway. It either goes unanswered or is taken by a male that tells you, you have the wrong number. After 2 months of being ignored I called the credit card company and canceled the card. To this day there has been absolutely no response at all from this place
Dungeonware Leather Reviews
If you try to place an order with this company, they will use a classic bait and switch first showing you their "wholesale prices" one you place your order input your payment information etc. You will receive a confirmation email stating you should receive your order in about 10 business days. After 3 weeks I sent an email asking for a tracking number. One month I sent another. I sent 6 emails. I never even got a assignee courtesy response. I also tried to call the company several times they have no till free number which should have been a dead giveaway. It either goes unanswered or is taken by a male that tells you, you have the wrong number. After 2 months of being ignored I called the credit card company and canceled the card. To this day there has been absolutely no response at all from this place