Never-ever order any dress from this site. you will receive a cheap quality replica which is poorly tailored and made of a cheap fabric, which has nothing to do with the original dress on the picture. Upon your complaint they will request the photos of the dress and then for months pretend they didn't receive the photos. Eventually they will come up with an offer of 20 $ compensation, where the actual price of the dress was 250 $. Stay away from this scam. Reviews
Never-ever order any dress from this site. you will receive a cheap quality replica which is poorly tailored and made of a cheap fabric, which has nothing to do with the original dress on the picture. Upon your complaint they will request the photos of the dress and then for months pretend they didn't receive the photos. Eventually they will come up with an offer of 20 $ compensation, where the actual price of the dress was 250 $. Stay away from this scam.