Below are a list of charges Dogan Kadir Arik is facing. Currently he has a warrant out for his arrest and is considered a fugutive! Please call your local police department if you know where he is.
Defendant: Arik, Dogan Kadir
Eyes: Brown Hair: Brown Height (ft/in): 5'10"" Weight (lbs): 240
One name found.1 Last Name First Name Middle Name Type
Arik Dogan Kadir Real Name
Case Status: Warrant
Case Stage: - Release Status: Fugitive DMV Hold: N
Charging Document: Information Mandatory Appearance: Y Amendment #: 0
Case InfoHearing InfoRelease InfoSentencingCounts
7 counts found, displaying all counts.1 Seq S/A Violation Date Section Statute OL Violation Plea Plea Date Disposition Dispo Date
1 0 09/01/2008 182(a)(1) PC F Conspire to commit a crime
2 0 09/01/2007 459-460(a) PC F Burglary; first degree
3 0 09/01/2007 211/212.5(a) PC F Robbery; first degree
4 0 09/01/2007 487(d)(2) PC F Grand Theft - Firearm
7 0 09/02/2007 496(a) PC F Receiving stolen property
8 0 09/04/2007 11378 HS F Possession of controlled substance with intent to sell
10 0 09/04/2007 11364 HS M Possession of controlled substance paraphenalia
Dogan Arik Reviews
Below are a list of charges Dogan Kadir Arik is facing. Currently he has a warrant out for his arrest and is considered a fugutive! Please call your local police department if you know where he is.
Defendant: Arik, Dogan Kadir
Eyes: Brown Hair: Brown Height (ft/in): 5'10"" Weight (lbs): 240
One name found.1 Last Name First Name Middle Name Type
Arik Dogan Kadir Real Name
Case Status: Warrant
Case Stage: - Release Status: Fugitive DMV Hold: N
Charging Document: Information Mandatory Appearance: Y Amendment #: 0
Case InfoHearing InfoRelease InfoSentencingCounts
7 counts found, displaying all counts.1 Seq S/A Violation Date Section Statute OL Violation Plea Plea Date Disposition Dispo Date
1 0 09/01/2008 182(a)(1) PC F Conspire to commit a crime
2 0 09/01/2007 459-460(a) PC F Burglary; first degree
3 0 09/01/2007 211/212.5(a) PC F Robbery; first degree
4 0 09/01/2007 487(d)(2) PC F Grand Theft - Firearm
7 0 09/02/2007 496(a) PC F Receiving stolen property
8 0 09/04/2007 11378 HS F Possession of controlled substance with intent to sell
10 0 09/04/2007 11364 HS M Possession of controlled substance paraphenalia
Costa Mesa, California