I wanted to buy a replica of a watch I currently own, for travel purposes. I would rather travel with the fake watch for security purposes. I went online and found what I thought to be a reputable company selling replica watches. They were upfront with the information that these watches were not the real deal, they are fakes. Perfect for traveling without worrying about them getting lost or stolen while on vacation.
i placed the order for a Cartier replica watch on 8/14/14, the item showed as being "in stock" and ready for immediate shipment. About a week later, I receive an email stating the watch is out of stock and to please give 3 more possible acceptable watches to replace the original one that is not in stock. A week later I get another email stating that these watches were out of stock, even though when I placed the order, it stated that the watches were "in stock" and ready to shop.
Stephanie then requests that I send more possible options, for replacing the prior watches. I send her 10 possible options, and you guessed it, they are out of stock.
I demanded that my credit card charge be refunded immediately, and that I no longer wished to carry on with this ridiculous back and forth for these non-existent watches. She emailed back that "the banks will take so long to credit the money back" that I should just order another acceptable replacement. I said no, refund the charge now, and I have heard nothing back.
I placed the order on August 18, 2014. Today is September 11, 2014. I am swindled out of $150. with no refund in sight. This must be a sham company that is stealing credit card numbers, and your cash. Buyer beware, and don't order anything from this company of thieves.
Discountonlineshop.co.uk Reviews
I wanted to buy a replica of a watch I currently own, for travel purposes. I would rather travel with the fake watch for security purposes. I went online and found what I thought to be a reputable company selling replica watches. They were upfront with the information that these watches were not the real deal, they are fakes. Perfect for traveling without worrying about them getting lost or stolen while on vacation.
i placed the order for a Cartier replica watch on 8/14/14, the item showed as being "in stock" and ready for immediate shipment. About a week later, I receive an email stating the watch is out of stock and to please give 3 more possible acceptable watches to replace the original one that is not in stock. A week later I get another email stating that these watches were out of stock, even though when I placed the order, it stated that the watches were "in stock" and ready to shop.
Stephanie then requests that I send more possible options, for replacing the prior watches. I send her 10 possible options, and you guessed it, they are out of stock.
I demanded that my credit card charge be refunded immediately, and that I no longer wished to carry on with this ridiculous back and forth for these non-existent watches. She emailed back that "the banks will take so long to credit the money back" that I should just order another acceptable replacement. I said no, refund the charge now, and I have heard nothing back.
I placed the order on August 18, 2014. Today is September 11, 2014. I am swindled out of $150. with no refund in sight. This must be a sham company that is stealing credit card numbers, and your cash. Buyer beware, and don't order anything from this company of thieves.