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Delmarva Property Preservation Services, LLC

Country United States
State Bangladesh
City Port Saint Lucie
Address 494 Southeast Verada Avenue
Phone 772-626-0079

Delmarva Property Preservation Services, LLC Reviews

  • Jan 26, 2015
  • 1 2 3 4 5

Mathis company is shady we found an advertisement on craigslit about property preservation

they responded right away were given 20 Workorders to do the next day they were already late

we were told once work was completed they would issue is a check in 15 days as soon as they received our completed work orders and photos they send us an email saying that the work was late and that they were not paying us

also that our Workorders were assigned to another vendor

we made several attempts to contact them but no one has responded

We were sent this email Auto respond

Late work orders. All photos must be received today. All photos need date and time stamp. PLease send all photos to delmarvaproperty in a compressed zip file or drop box. Send each property seperately. Photos not received will result in reasignment of work orders

Bunch of scam artist people like like this should not be in business.

  • Jul 14, 2015
  • 1 2 3 4 5


Delmarva Property is not scam artist. If you do the work and take the correct photos you get paid. I have worked for them for yrs and their pay is always net 30 to 45 days. All their work orders are due in 48 hrs. If you cant complete the orders on time its up to the vendor to contact them and let them know so they can inform client. Vendors that dont do their job correctly and on time always blame the company. Vendors blame yourself for not doing your job correctly and on time

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