Danny May Owner of Basic Home Maintenance hires individuals to sub contract work for him. Then never pays the guys when their work was finished. I have personal knowledge of several people he has done this to besides me.
He ripped me off $896.00 which I notified him on numerous occassions by text messages and phone calls. He sent text messages to me numerous times saying he would pay me and the other guys however he never did.
I don't understand how the State of Mississippi allows him to keep his business open or have a business license if he rips the individuals off.
The Facts; The company I worked for had closed, due to death of the owner and sold home improvement equipment to Danny May, owner of Basic Home Maintenance/Basic Home Repair. The value of said equipment was $2,500.00 by retail verification from Home Depot and Lowes and receipts from the actual purchases. Due to the circumstances, agreed to sell Danny May said equipment for $1,400.00 and he agreed to pay that amount, which we have voice mail and email of him saying he owes the $1000.00 balance. Since he said he could not pay the entire amount, we agreed to the following terms:
February 22, 2014
To: Danny May
As I left you a voice mail message on your cell phone Saturday morning, I thought I would reach out to you one more time. It seems abundantly clear, that you do not plan to pay for the equipment sold to you in good faith. To recap on this transaction:
The transaction which occurred on January 22nd, 2014 you paid a $400 down payment on approximately $2500 worth of equipment for a sales price of $1400 sold on terms as follows:
January 22 you were to pay $333
January 29 you were to pay $333
February 7 you were to pay $333
Since then you have had several excuses and promises to pay and now no longer communicate on the debt owed.
You have put many in a bind, since the owner of the company died and employees that need there W-2s cannot get them because the company cannot allocate funds you owe to the CPA to prepare W-2’s. It appears that we are not the only ones that have not been paid and it seems, you and your company are now earning a bad reputation as illustrated as follows along with others: http://memphis.craigslist.org/hss/4281034295.html
I plan on forwarding this email to all interested parties and taking further actions to collect, since payment seems impossible to receive in the good faith manner.
March 5, 2014
To: Danny May
Basic Home Maintenance
Basic Home Repairs
As we have not heard from you since February 26th when you left a voice mail message saying you will pay, but didn’t offer any constructive resolution. The long and the short of all this is that you took the equipment without paying for it as agreed. It would be nice to settle this without the need of the courts and/or other means of collection, which may end up costing you and your company a whole lot more.
We simply need to know your intent. We really don’t have the time or inclination to continually ask for what was agreed upon in good faith. If need be, we can summons Chris and Randy to court.
Dan May
Mar 5
to me
We are not responsible for your mishaps. We only owe you the 1,000 for the equipment we bought from you, however, the equipment that you sold us is being repaired due to non-working conditions. If you want to continue to send these emails they will be turned over to our attorney and you will be prosecuted for tax evasion. We are not responsible for your W-2s.
Danny May Basic Home Maintenance Reviews
Danny May Owner of Basic Home Maintenance hires individuals to sub contract work for him. Then never pays the guys when their work was finished. I have personal knowledge of several people he has done this to besides me.
He ripped me off $896.00 which I notified him on numerous occassions by text messages and phone calls. He sent text messages to me numerous times saying he would pay me and the other guys however he never did.
I don't understand how the State of Mississippi allows him to keep his business open or have a business license if he rips the individuals off.
The Facts; The company I worked for had closed, due to death of the owner and sold home improvement equipment to Danny May, owner of Basic Home Maintenance/Basic Home Repair. The value of said equipment was $2,500.00 by retail verification from Home Depot and Lowes and receipts from the actual purchases. Due to the circumstances, agreed to sell Danny May said equipment for $1,400.00 and he agreed to pay that amount, which we have voice mail and email of him saying he owes the $1000.00 balance. Since he said he could not pay the entire amount, we agreed to the following terms:
February 22, 2014
To: Danny May
As I left you a voice mail message on your cell phone Saturday morning, I thought I would reach out to you one more time. It seems abundantly clear, that you do not plan to pay for the equipment sold to you in good faith. To recap on this transaction:
The transaction which occurred on January 22nd, 2014 you paid a $400 down payment on approximately $2500 worth of equipment for a sales price of $1400 sold on terms as follows:
January 22 you were to pay $333
January 29 you were to pay $333
February 7 you were to pay $333
Since then you have had several excuses and promises to pay and now no longer communicate on the debt owed.
You have put many in a bind, since the owner of the company died and employees that need there W-2s cannot get them because the company cannot allocate funds you owe to the CPA to prepare W-2’s. It appears that we are not the only ones that have not been paid and it seems, you and your company are now earning a bad reputation as illustrated as follows along with others: http://memphis.craigslist.org/hss/4281034295.html
I plan on forwarding this email to all interested parties and taking further actions to collect, since payment seems impossible to receive in the good faith manner.
March 5, 2014
To: Danny May
Basic Home Maintenance
Basic Home Repairs
As we have not heard from you since February 26th when you left a voice mail message saying you will pay, but didn’t offer any constructive resolution. The long and the short of all this is that you took the equipment without paying for it as agreed. It would be nice to settle this without the need of the courts and/or other means of collection, which may end up costing you and your company a whole lot more.
We simply need to know your intent. We really don’t have the time or inclination to continually ask for what was agreed upon in good faith. If need be, we can summons Chris and Randy to court.
Dan May
Mar 5
to me
We are not responsible for your mishaps. We only owe you the 1,000 for the equipment we bought from you, however, the equipment that you sold us is being repaired due to non-working conditions. If you want to continue to send these emails they will be turned over to our attorney and you will be prosecuted for tax evasion. We are not responsible for your W-2s.