Daniel and Melyssa Lesley

Country United States
State Alabama

Daniel and Melyssa Lesley Reviews

  • Jul 23, 2015

I want to send a warning to all real estate brokers, craigslist users and at&t stores. there is a couple that claim to want to buy hotels, will stay in them and skip out right before signing. the names used are daniel and melyssa lesley. she has several aliases using the last name phillips, murrary, steinruck and several more. they are wanted in 5 states for fraud and grand theft auto. They are selling iPhones, mytouch4, and galaxys the purchased from AT&T with fake checks on craigslist. They claim to own a cleaning business, Ding It's Clean, supposedly with an exclusive contract to clean at&t corporate offices. they have 2 little girls with them of mexican decent ages 10 and 11 that they do not have legal custody of. if any of you hear from them would they please contact Alex Campbell at the Conway County, Ar Sheriff's dept. 501-354-2411. thank you.

They offered me and several friends jobs and are very convincing that they have money to pay. I wrote checks with the promise i would be reimbursed. Of course i wasnt and also received a fake pay check. I know I won't see my money but I want them caught so they can't do this to anybody else

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