This the same Charles Lawrnece Young that now heads Dance Rogue classes in Chicago, if so RUUNNN. What a liar, he is manipluative, conning liar. He will say anything to get your money from you and get you into his classes. He's been telling a small group of white girls how he can get them signed on tour with Justin Beiber, Timberlake and many others, just so he can get their parents money for his overly priced clinics he holds. They are ok dancers just not the level that tour artists will need but he leads them on. When asked he fails to show us the Janet Jackson video he said he was in which i bet does not exist. Charles can barely dance himself, does not really have that kind of connections and is just in it for the money he can bilk out of unsuspecting young hopefuls. Such a shame! What scares many of us parents is and why we stopped attending is his innapropriate overly touching of the girls. I thought he ws gay but he uses any exccuse to get close to the girls..Even wilder is that his girlfriend is on the run from him and in hiding. wonder why. Posting about it just looks embarassing and desperate and as if he's talking to himself. People need to wisen up to ppl like this. you don't need a clinic to enhance your dance skills you just need practice stop over paying and getting ripped off.
Dance Rogue, LLC Reviews
This the same Charles Lawrnece Young that now heads Dance Rogue classes in Chicago, if so RUUNNN. What a liar, he is manipluative, conning liar. He will say anything to get your money from you and get you into his classes. He's been telling a small group of white girls how he can get them signed on tour with Justin Beiber, Timberlake and many others, just so he can get their parents money for his overly priced clinics he holds. They are ok dancers just not the level that tour artists will need but he leads them on. When asked he fails to show us the Janet Jackson video he said he was in which i bet does not exist. Charles can barely dance himself, does not really have that kind of connections and is just in it for the money he can bilk out of unsuspecting young hopefuls. Such a shame! What scares many of us parents is and why we stopped attending is his innapropriate overly touching of the girls. I thought he ws gay but he uses any exccuse to get close to the girls..Even wilder is that his girlfriend is on the run from him and in hiding. wonder why. Posting about it just looks embarassing and desperate and as if he's talking to himself. People need to wisen up to ppl like this. you don't need a clinic to enhance your dance skills you just need practice stop over paying and getting ripped off.