I am really disappointed & upset by the customer service this company provided especially to a returned customer
I feel that they have absolutely no appreciation, respect, loyalty or empathy towards their customers
I lost $355 for withdrawing within a month because my daughter was suffering from fatique & exhaustion due to school and from being ill. She could not make it to thier classes within that month. And they would not let me put part of that tuition fees towards my other daughter or for future use when she wants to come back. All they could say to me was "it was in our policy"
I definitely would NOT reccommend this dance school to any of my friends or family due to their rigid policy even towards a repeat customer.
DANCE CO Reviews
I am really disappointed & upset by the customer service this company provided especially to a returned customer
I feel that they have absolutely no appreciation, respect, loyalty or empathy towards their customers
I lost $355 for withdrawing within a month because my daughter was suffering from fatique & exhaustion due to school and from being ill. She could not make it to thier classes within that month. And they would not let me put part of that tuition fees towards my other daughter or for future use when she wants to come back. All they could say to me was "it was in our policy"
I definitely would NOT reccommend this dance school to any of my friends or family due to their rigid policy even towards a repeat customer.