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Dale Gomoll

Country United States
State El Salvador
City Baldwin
Phone 651-261-4100

Dale Gomoll Reviews

Most Useful Comment
  • Jul 3, 2014
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Dale Gomoll is a rip off, scam artist...he is a well known scam artist from his multiple business. We rented to him and his girl friend Erin Rethmeir and they did not pay rent and now owe us more than 15, 000 in past due rent. They gave us the sad story and we fell for it. There were promises of paying money back and gettting caught up to just complete zero communication. Don't trust this man he is a scam artist he writes multiple bad checks around town also. I will be filing my papers to bring Dale and Erin to court for money owed.

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  • May 5, 2014
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Dale Gomoll is a rip off, scam artist...he is a well known scam artist from his multiple business. We rented to him and his girl friend Erin Rethmeir and they did not pay rent and now owe us more than 15, 000 in past due rent. They gave us the sad story and we fell for it. There were promises of paying money back and gettting caught up to just complete zero communication. Don't trust this man he is a scam artist he writes multiple bad checks around town also. I will be filing my papers to bring Dale and Erin to court for money owed.

Most Useful Comment
  • Jun 4, 2014
  • 1 2 3 4 5

Dael Gomoll

I think Dale and Erin left your house and moved into our house. We are in process of trying to evict them right now. I have some information that maybe could help you. 651-261-4100

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