Watch out for brian leonard manning, a hiring manager who posts help wanted ads in craigslist looking to hire interns jobs for social justice. I applied for this internship without realizing it didn’t pay anything. Manning even refused to pay for bus fare going to his office located in carmichael, demanding that i pay for bus fare out of pocket. When i declined to show up for the interview, brian leonard manning left a nasty message on my answering machine. Two months later, he spoke to me on the phone and verbally chewed me out accusing me of being lazy for not showing up this fake job interview. I deserve to be spoken to with respect and insist upon getting paid money for my labor, not work for free for a social justice organization which wants mcdonald’s to pay fifteen dollars an hour, a “living wage” for its workers but demands its own interns work around the clock for nothing out of the pure altruistic goodness of their hearts. It’s even more disheartening that brian leonard manning works for credo mobile, a million dollar corporation, but wants its interns to work around the clock for nothing.
Manning is in portland, oregon working as an organizer for greenpeace. If you see those help wanted ad in craigslist fighting for social justice, please ignore this idiot and don’t waste your time. You don’t want to put up with a verbally abusive tangent from manning on your answering machine like i did.
I have been a long time customer, and starting in Oct 2014 I began experiencing major phone problems. I was constantly receiving texts that said "no content". I repeatedly called and spent hours trying to get the issue resolved. They basically just talk in circles and no solutions worked. I asked for a phone replacement and they refused. I went to the BBB and then they offered to let me out of the contract but ONLY IF I returned the phones we purchased without any reimbursement to me for them. They just keep sending the same response back to the BBB and are essentially selling a phone with unlimited texting that apparently has very limited texting. I want to get the word out so other people know!
We switched from AT&T to Credo 2 years ago (5 phones). They were offering decent deals and I liked the idea of donating to progressive causes. The first issue is coverage on the Sprint network. Voice coverage is weak and data is very slow almost everywhere. The next issue is that you can only use their phones. If you loose or destroy your phone, you can't buy an unlocked phone and add their sim card, it has to be their phone. If you want to travel overseas, they offer virtually nothing in the way of a reasonably priced international plan.
The contracts on all 5 phones expire either 12/24 or 12/26. We are going to be out of the country when the contracts expire, so I ported 4 of the lines over to AT&T this weekend (within the last month of the contract) and called today to cancel the 5th line (which hasn't been used since Aug). They are charging me $475 ETF ($95 per line) when the last months bill would have been $270 (which I have no problem with paying). We don't want to pay another month on the 5th line after the contract expires, but the only option is to call the day the contract expires. I told the customer service supervisor that that wasn't possible and she said too bad. They can't schedule a cancellation.
They may spout progressive thetoric, but they are a totally inflexible company and the apparent savings are an illusion.
CREDO Mobile Reviews
Watch out for brian leonard manning, a hiring manager who posts help wanted ads in craigslist looking to hire interns jobs for social justice. I applied for this internship without realizing it didn’t pay anything. Manning even refused to pay for bus fare going to his office located in carmichael, demanding that i pay for bus fare out of pocket. When i declined to show up for the interview, brian leonard manning left a nasty message on my answering machine. Two months later, he spoke to me on the phone and verbally chewed me out accusing me of being lazy for not showing up this fake job interview. I deserve to be spoken to with respect and insist upon getting paid money for my labor, not work for free for a social justice organization which wants mcdonald’s to pay fifteen dollars an hour, a “living wage” for its workers but demands its own interns work around the clock for nothing out of the pure altruistic goodness of their hearts. It’s even more disheartening that brian leonard manning works for credo mobile, a million dollar corporation, but wants its interns to work around the clock for nothing.
Manning is in portland, oregon working as an organizer for greenpeace. If you see those help wanted ad in craigslist fighting for social justice, please ignore this idiot and don’t waste your time. You don’t want to put up with a verbally abusive tangent from manning on your answering machine like i did.
I have been a long time customer, and starting in Oct 2014 I began experiencing major phone problems. I was constantly receiving texts that said "no content". I repeatedly called and spent hours trying to get the issue resolved. They basically just talk in circles and no solutions worked. I asked for a phone replacement and they refused. I went to the BBB and then they offered to let me out of the contract but ONLY IF I returned the phones we purchased without any reimbursement to me for them. They just keep sending the same response back to the BBB and are essentially selling a phone with unlimited texting that apparently has very limited texting. I want to get the word out so other people know!
We switched from AT&T to Credo 2 years ago (5 phones). They were offering decent deals and I liked the idea of donating to progressive causes. The first issue is coverage on the Sprint network. Voice coverage is weak and data is very slow almost everywhere. The next issue is that you can only use their phones. If you loose or destroy your phone, you can't buy an unlocked phone and add their sim card, it has to be their phone. If you want to travel overseas, they offer virtually nothing in the way of a reasonably priced international plan.
The contracts on all 5 phones expire either 12/24 or 12/26. We are going to be out of the country when the contracts expire, so I ported 4 of the lines over to AT&T this weekend (within the last month of the contract) and called today to cancel the 5th line (which hasn't been used since Aug). They are charging me $475 ETF ($95 per line) when the last months bill would have been $270 (which I have no problem with paying). We don't want to pay another month on the 5th line after the contract expires, but the only option is to call the day the contract expires. I told the customer service supervisor that that wasn't possible and she said too bad. They can't schedule a cancellation.
They may spout progressive thetoric, but they are a totally inflexible company and the apparent savings are an illusion.