Consumer Refuses to post factual documented malfeasance of corporations. They willl not publish reports until the have Some amount of reports already on a corporation or an individual. The logic here is very peccable. If consumers do not see reports posted at consumer affairs, consumers will be unaware of those companies, with which they might do business, that are flawed if not predatory in nature.
If they search a company on Consumer Affairs and nothing comes back in a search, consumers will falsely believe that there have been no issues or concerns reported by consumers about a given corporation. The process of pending reports until they have "MORE" reports on a company is flawed corporational process on the part of Consumers Affairs.
Consumer is witholding critcal information from its customers upon which they may make functional andcritical business decisions.
They do not publish reports provided to them about flawed and predatory businesses.
Consumers Unified LLC Reviews
Consumer Refuses to post factual documented malfeasance of corporations. They willl not publish reports until the have Some amount of reports already on a corporation or an individual. The logic here is very peccable. If consumers do not see reports posted at consumer affairs, consumers will be unaware of those companies, with which they might do business, that are flawed if not predatory in nature.
If they search a company on Consumer Affairs and nothing comes back in a search, consumers will falsely believe that there have been no issues or concerns reported by consumers about a given corporation. The process of pending reports until they have "MORE" reports on a company is flawed corporational process on the part of Consumers Affairs.
Consumer is witholding critcal information from its customers upon which they may make functional andcritical business decisions.
They do not publish reports provided to them about flawed and predatory businesses.