I looked on Craigslist for work while I am laid off. The ad said house cleaning for 30/hr. Ad said he is very demanding and picky and must be able to fulfill his requirements, that is why he will pay well. I responded and the person sent a few emails back. He wanted my information so he could send the checks to my house b/c he will not be returning for a few months. I am not current on scams, but once this person said he will be sending me a $520 weekly check before the work started I became concerned. I received two checks. Both were in the amount of $2849.59. Both checks sent by different names, different addresses, and different companies on the checks. They wanted me to cash it and send a specific amount back to them by way of Western Union. They pointed out that $520 was my first weeks pay and the rest is for new furniture. I can cash $520 and send the rest Western Union. Total scam. I read another persons complaint on and it was the same scam. Once you cash it, a few days later the bank calls and tells you it is a fraudulent check and you have to pay the bank back. The two company names are: CompuPay Inc. 3450 Lakeside Drive, suite 400, Miramar, FL 33027. Next is Allegiance Title Company 101 Summit Ave, suite 907, fort worth TX 76102. Both do not exist if you look it up online. Both are bogus phone numbers. The Petr Thomas just texted my phone asking me to text him back asap. The phone number is .
Compupay, Inc Reviews
I looked on Craigslist for work while I am laid off. The ad said house cleaning for 30/hr. Ad said he is very demanding and picky and must be able to fulfill his requirements, that is why he will pay well. I responded and the person sent a few emails back. He wanted my information so he could send the checks to my house b/c he will not be returning for a few months. I am not current on scams, but once this person said he will be sending me a $520 weekly check before the work started I became concerned. I received two checks. Both were in the amount of $2849.59. Both checks sent by different names, different addresses, and different companies on the checks. They wanted me to cash it and send a specific amount back to them by way of Western Union. They pointed out that $520 was my first weeks pay and the rest is for new furniture. I can cash $520 and send the rest Western Union. Total scam. I read another persons complaint on and it was the same scam. Once you cash it, a few days later the bank calls and tells you it is a fraudulent check and you have to pay the bank back. The two company names are: CompuPay Inc. 3450 Lakeside Drive, suite 400, Miramar, FL 33027. Next is Allegiance Title Company 101 Summit Ave, suite 907, fort worth TX 76102. Both do not exist if you look it up online. Both are bogus phone numbers. The Petr Thomas just texted my phone asking me to text him back asap. The phone number is .