Stay away from this company. They promise to be your advocate when dealing with the insurance companies. Once they complete work on your home, the fun begins. they left my gutters clogged which caused them to fill up in spill back into my home causing a bunch of damage. I sent them pictures of the drywall damage as well as the water sitting in my gutters and they would not respond. About three weeks later we had a bad rain and my roof leak into places. Again, I took pictures and they would not respond. I had a reputable roofing company come out and do the repairs and paid out-of-pocket. What did I get for my troubles...complete roofing systems saying I owe them more money than the contract because they claimed to file a supplement with my insurance company. They did in fact file a supplement, but it was not approved because it was for work that they never did. They decided to sue me for the amount of the supplement, which again, was filed for work that was not completed. After multiple emails going without a response, I received an email from their attorney.
Complete Roofing Systems, Inc. Reviews
Stay away from this company. They promise to be your advocate when dealing with the insurance companies. Once they complete work on your home, the fun begins. they left my gutters clogged which caused them to fill up in spill back into my home causing a bunch of damage. I sent them pictures of the drywall damage as well as the water sitting in my gutters and they would not respond. About three weeks later we had a bad rain and my roof leak into places. Again, I took pictures and they would not respond. I had a reputable roofing company come out and do the repairs and paid out-of-pocket. What did I get for my troubles...complete roofing systems saying I owe them more money than the contract because they claimed to file a supplement with my insurance company. They did in fact file a supplement, but it was not approved because it was for work that they never did. They decided to sue me for the amount of the supplement, which again, was filed for work that was not completed. After multiple emails going without a response, I received an email from their attorney.