Gabriel originally had been prescribed Vyvanse, an attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder drug approved for kids aged 6 through 12, Lexapro, an anti-depressant which is not approved for children, and Zyprexa, an anti-psychotic drug that also is not approved for kids, said Moss.
Both Punjwani and Moss said they think the Lexapro and Zyprexa were discontinued in recent weeks, and that a drug called Symbyax - which contains the medication in Zyprexa along with another antidepressant - was substituted.
Read the story here
It's disgusting what goes on at "compass health systems" !
Below is the story from ABC news, you will see compass health systems in the report.
Compass Health Systems Reviews
Gabriel originally had been prescribed Vyvanse, an attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder drug approved for kids aged 6 through 12, Lexapro, an anti-depressant which is not approved for children, and Zyprexa, an anti-psychotic drug that also is not approved for kids, said Moss.
Both Punjwani and Moss said they think the Lexapro and Zyprexa were discontinued in recent weeks, and that a drug called Symbyax - which contains the medication in Zyprexa along with another antidepressant - was substituted.
Read the story here
It's disgusting what goes on at "compass health systems" !
Below is the story from ABC news, you will see compass health systems in the report.
I too was hurt by a doctor at this place. Peter Ventre.
Why is no one stopping this ? "Florida Partners in Crisis" Run by Eli Lilly