My wife and her family were looking to go to Lake Mead for this past Memorial Day weekend. Each family member looked for vacation homes to rent for the weekend. My wife found a home on Craigslist at She emailed the individual asking if the home was still available and he responded with a phone number, which was a google talk number with a bad connection. The home was for $150 a night and the individual, Cody Sonnett, if that is his real name asked for my wife to send him the full amount, which was $600 through moneygram. When she and her family showed up the home was owned by another individual and Cody Sonnett never showed up, and my wife was out $600.
We called a filed a fraud claim with the bank, and they couldn't do anything because they said it was a valid transaction, the man asked for a price, and my wife paid. We also filed a fraud claim with moneygram, they said they could do nothing either because my wife's card hadn't been stolen.
We have been told we could file a report with the police, but as for getting our money back they couldn't do anything about that either. We'd love to have our money back if possible, and this person, Cody Sonnett, brought to justice so he can't do this to anyone else.
Cody Sonnett Reviews
My wife and her family were looking to go to Lake Mead for this past Memorial Day weekend. Each family member looked for vacation homes to rent for the weekend. My wife found a home on Craigslist at She emailed the individual asking if the home was still available and he responded with a phone number, which was a google talk number with a bad connection. The home was for $150 a night and the individual, Cody Sonnett, if that is his real name asked for my wife to send him the full amount, which was $600 through moneygram. When she and her family showed up the home was owned by another individual and Cody Sonnett never showed up, and my wife was out $600.
We called a filed a fraud claim with the bank, and they couldn't do anything because they said it was a valid transaction, the man asked for a price, and my wife paid. We also filed a fraud claim with moneygram, they said they could do nothing either because my wife's card hadn't been stolen.
We have been told we could file a report with the police, but as for getting our money back they couldn't do anything about that either. We'd love to have our money back if possible, and this person, Cody Sonnett, brought to justice so he can't do this to anyone else.