Chuck Severance is a thief. He lies, has stolen money from people, and is a very dishonest person. He suffers from severe bipolar and requires medication. Him and his wife have been involved in all types of drugs including pills, cocaine, methampetamine, and large amounts of alchohol. He works for Freudenberg-NOK in Northfield, NH. He has been investigated by the State of New Hampshire for financial exploitation of a disabled individual. I wanted to warn anyone that comes across him to just stay away.
Chuck Severance Reviews
Chuck Severance is a thief. He lies, has stolen money from people, and is a very dishonest person. He suffers from severe bipolar and requires medication. Him and his wife have been involved in all types of drugs including pills, cocaine, methampetamine, and large amounts of alchohol. He works for Freudenberg-NOK in Northfield, NH. He has been investigated by the State of New Hampshire for financial exploitation of a disabled individual. I wanted to warn anyone that comes across him to just stay away.