brought my watch in to be fixed as it would occasionally stop for 4 hours and then go back to working. Christian jewlers said they needed to hold it for a week to see if it stopped. Called me back said it would cost me $175 to fix a wathc I paid $88 for
Told them no,. to put it back together and I would pick it up. Christian Jewlers told me to wait a few days. I pick it up, its not running and the stem does not work. In otherwords I take a watch in thats running, the stem works fine and after their diagnostic work, it does not run at all and the stem does not work at all. When I complained their response was we can only fix it for the price and they refuse to admit they took in a watch that was running and the stem worked perfectly.
St least they did not charge me for destroying my watch
Christian Jewelers Reviews
brought my watch in to be fixed as it would occasionally stop for 4 hours and then go back to working. Christian jewlers said they needed to hold it for a week to see if it stopped. Called me back said it would cost me $175 to fix a wathc I paid $88 for
Told them no,. to put it back together and I would pick it up. Christian Jewlers told me to wait a few days. I pick it up, its not running and the stem does not work. In otherwords I take a watch in thats running, the stem works fine and after their diagnostic work, it does not run at all and the stem does not work at all. When I complained their response was we can only fix it for the price and they refuse to admit they took in a watch that was running and the stem worked perfectly.
St least they did not charge me for destroying my watch