I was there today buying motorcycle. My 5 year old daughter accidentally knocked down helmet from the display. They were incredibly rude about it and made me pay 50 dollars for the helmet that was obviously poor quality as it chipped pieces of plastic while falling from very small height to fairly soft floor. I am scared to imagine what would happen to my head if I would wear it during an accident. They should not have anything of that quality on display. They should not be so incredibly rude with a customer that came to them to do business.
Central Florida PowerSports Reviews
I was there today buying motorcycle. My 5 year old daughter accidentally knocked down helmet from the display. They were incredibly rude about it and made me pay 50 dollars for the helmet that was obviously poor quality as it chipped pieces of plastic while falling from very small height to fairly soft floor. I am scared to imagine what would happen to my head if I would wear it during an accident. They should not have anything of that quality on display. They should not be so incredibly rude with a customer that came to them to do business.