Carbon Poker

Country United States
State Afghanistan

Carbon Poker Reviews

  • Jul 15, 2014

I have been banned from carbon for using a so called offensive player logo avatar, it was a sign saying made in china with a red line going through it and in a red circle, then they also said they believed i was in collusion with others, LOL, all i play is the play money !! i did not play real money and those are the 2 reasons why they banned me, thank god i did not make a deposit, i have read many players talk about being banned for winning to much, they were players at poker host,please google poker host players banned for winning, you will see eveything about how shady this company is,

i tried to find out where i can email merge gaming, and it they dont take emails, WOW, thats scary, all i could do was talk to carbon, the ones who told me i was banned, and that does no good because their is no defense that they will allow me to justify, i contacted their old gaming oversee company called KAWANAKEE poker, and they told me they dropped merge gaming last year because off merge fraud reports and scandals, Kwanakee only deals with a 5 star site called Bovada,

which i just researched and read nothing but great things about them, at this point you could not give me $500 to play on merge skins, because after all is dais and done, they are CROOKS out to get you. carbon and the rest of merge skins are the worst of the worst, if you have a good heart, and common sense, please ,please research this fraud company, you will be glad that you did. i will try my hardest to file as many complaints as i can, eveywhere i can for as long as i can.

  • Jul 10, 2014

Deposited $25 and made it to $500 in one night.

they emailed me the next morning and claimed that i cheated.

they shut down my account keeping all funds.

email states "As per our house rules, management reserves the right to revoke the agreement between the user and our site. If an account is closed per Management’s decision, all pending wagers will be graded as No Action."

  • May 18, 2015

carbon pokers a rigged scam

When you continously get beat with better cards theres somthing going on. I lose more with an overpair to an underpair. Its just like the movie RUNNER RUNNER pathetic ripoff gives the advantage to the shytty cards.

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