To any one that is seeking to get a cash advance from this company must read this. Capital funding net work is way beyond fraud, there staff or so called sales men are all convicted criminals, that is y they operate in the state of baja California, mexicali Mexico all these people have been deported from USA for various reasons, and knowingly the owner of this firm Eddy Sandoval" chooses these people to scam you! They seek personal information such as your SSN number Federal Tax ID number saying they will get you quick cheap money but it is a lie! All they do is scam people. Now do not ever give any personal information to these criminals they will leave you with out money and they will take your business.
Capital Funding Network Reviews
To any one that is seeking to get a cash advance from this company must read this. Capital funding net work is way beyond fraud, there staff or so called sales men are all convicted criminals, that is y they operate in the state of baja California, mexicali Mexico all these people have been deported from USA for various reasons, and knowingly the owner of this firm Eddy Sandoval" chooses these people to scam you! They seek personal information such as your SSN number Federal Tax ID number saying they will get you quick cheap money but it is a lie! All they do is scam people. Now do not ever give any personal information to these criminals they will leave you with out money and they will take your business.