Prior to ordering I contact the sales number for (844) 684-9457, asked about the textbooks and the authors. They didn't even know what books they sold!
I signed up expecting a great product, as the website was easy to navagate. Once I purchased the product I realized its just a scam! This Exam Prep is National? (,jIklZiP#1) I wish they explained this in the ORDER! I want to study for CALIFORNIA! Guess I should have picked a exclusive company.
I was intrigued about the MathMaster.. It looks like a DOS program (,jIklZiP). Then I find out the State Test doesn't really have any math problems!
The courses are even more usless. They give you a PDF book by CENGAGE Learning (propably their company also!) written by Bond, Mckenzie, Fesler & Boone. No instruction, just a book and a link that replaces "The exam will be available on XX/XX/XXXX".All this for $179? What a RIPOFF! So for $179 you get a webpage like this ( and PDFs. I wouldn't purchase anything from or CompuTaught or CENGAGE Learning. This seemed like a scam! Reviews
Prior to ordering I contact the sales number for (844) 684-9457, asked about the textbooks and the authors. They didn't even know what books they sold!
I signed up expecting a great product, as the website was easy to navagate. Once I purchased the product I realized its just a scam! This Exam Prep is National? (,jIklZiP#1) I wish they explained this in the ORDER! I want to study for CALIFORNIA! Guess I should have picked a exclusive company.
I was intrigued about the MathMaster.. It looks like a DOS program (,jIklZiP). Then I find out the State Test doesn't really have any math problems!
The courses are even more usless. They give you a PDF book by CENGAGE Learning (propably their company also!) written by Bond, Mckenzie, Fesler & Boone. No instruction, just a book and a link that replaces "The exam will be available on XX/XX/XXXX".All this for $179? What a RIPOFF! So for $179 you get a webpage like this ( and PDFs. I wouldn't purchase anything from or CompuTaught or CENGAGE Learning. This seemed like a scam!