Alleged ponzi schemer brett hickey is a hideous liar, who gets unsuspected people involved in his schemes.
This is not the first allegation against britt hickey. He ran aegis capital when he was on tv show called: wall street warriors. He rented ferrari’s to show off, to mid level managers how successful he was. Some of those are in his new firm star mountain capital.
But, it was all a sham. Sources, we spoke with; he took honey in such a sophisticated way. People did not have leg to stand on – and they lost all there money to supporting life st1andards of mr. Brett hickey.
In the end aegis capital was fraud. Like most investors who gave money to this scammer – lost their money. He promotes himself as philanthropist. Only philanthropy he does is – defraud you out of your money and go drinking with buddies.
Please this as advice or warning against dealing with the charming, liar, and fraud brett hickey.
He talks on lot of industry panels… try to lure new victims.
Sites he done fraud under no longer exist… let’s keep an eye out star mountain capital.
Brett A. Hickey Reviews
Alleged ponzi schemer brett hickey is a hideous liar, who gets unsuspected people involved in his schemes.
This is not the first allegation against britt hickey. He ran aegis capital when he was on tv show called: wall street warriors. He rented ferrari’s to show off, to mid level managers how successful he was. Some of those are in his new firm star mountain capital.
But, it was all a sham. Sources, we spoke with; he took honey in such a sophisticated way. People did not have leg to stand on – and they lost all there money to supporting life st1andards of mr. Brett hickey.
In the end aegis capital was fraud. Like most investors who gave money to this scammer – lost their money. He promotes himself as philanthropist. Only philanthropy he does is – defraud you out of your money and go drinking with buddies.
Please this as advice or warning against dealing with the charming, liar, and fraud brett hickey.
He talks on lot of industry panels… try to lure new victims.
Sites he done fraud under no longer exist… let’s keep an eye out star mountain capital.