and Ipayment.Inc are partners , they will quote you 2% processing fee and then charge you 100% processing fees, and phony fees, then they will tell you you are a risk and hold ALL your money forever. Do a google search for complaints Ipayment and Bluepay you will see that they have 100's of complaints for fraud and deceptive business practices !!! Stay away from these companies !!!
I caution anyone to use BluePay. They have caused problems and cost me money! My staff had to take time to correct their mistake, and I am the one that has to pay for it. BluePay refuses to apologize and compensate me for my loss. Consider an alternative provider.
This so-called credit card processing company are a bunch of thieves. I constantly had withdrawals made against my account for funds not owed to them- they charged me the wrong percentage rate as agreed to in the contract, they withdrew non-compliance fees when I was compliant the entire time I've been processing cards and for the 4 years I had prior to using their company with another processor and refused to refund them even though I filled out all the non-compliance paperwork, they took money out of my account that was not owed to them and every time they were supposed to fund for transactions run, it took them several days to weeks to process any of them when I was set up for next day funding.
I contacted them at the very least 5 times regarding this. No one ever did anything to resolve anything. They all say something different.
Then I spoke with George Jackson in the risk management department. He acted like he was going to solve all the problems with the account. He said the charge would be funded within 2 business days. 2 weeks later I finally recieved funding and they had withdrawn extra funds from the transaction because by that point I had put a hold on my account so they couldn't withdraw anything additional.
They stole a few hundred dollars from me easily. While my story is not as bad as the others on here- DO NOT WORK WITH THEM. THEY WILL STEAL MONEY FROM YOU.
I was approved for BluePay processing, but before my apporval I informed the sale represenative that my website had not been built yet because I was awaiting their approval to build and interegrate BluePay into my website. I was told that my ccount would be placed on seasaonal hold until my site was launched and that I would not be charged anything during this time. I ccouple of motnhs later I noticed charges to my business account. I called/emailed several times to speak with my sales represenative regrding the chareges. She assured me that she put it on seasoanl hold and she would check to see why they were charging me because there should not be a charge. My calls and emails went unresolved. Finally I stopped putting money in my business account since they were charing my account without authorization to start doing so. Then one day I get an email from risk management telling me that my account had been closed. I called risk mnagement and they told me my account was closed because they attempented to collect fees from my account but they were not able to. (which by the way charges only apply when you actually use the services, which I had nto yet because my site had not even launced.). I then explained to the represenataive in risk manangement that my sales represenative said my accoutn was on seasoanl hold and should not be charged. I also told them I had emails supporting my claims from the represenative. They did not care, did not look into it or open my account back up. I later left a message for the president of the company to call me. A week later no return call. I sent an email forwarding my complaint along with the email exchange between my respresanative and I where she states she put my account on seasonal hold. I got an emal back telling me to log on to my portal to see their repsonse. I attempted to log on but because the closed my account my attempts returned void. I then called to ask what the message said and the represenative said she could not tell me over the phone. I then called the risk mamangement department and she said they are not opening my account back and that was their final choice. I have lost thousands building a website around blue pay , I have lost 6 months of man hours creating this site, I was chareged fees I was not supposed to be charged. I now have to be a develoeper to re create my site around another vendors structure, which will also cost me more time. I am going to pursue this to the end. This is fraud. Collecting money for a service I have not received. I plan to fight them till the end and anyone that has been taken advantage of as I have I am willing to join forces to make them pay for their unethical practices.
BluePay Reviews and Ipayment.Inc are partners , they will quote you 2% processing fee and then charge you 100% processing fees, and phony fees, then they will tell you you are a risk and hold ALL your money forever. Do a google search for complaints Ipayment and Bluepay you will see that they have 100's of complaints for fraud and deceptive business practices !!! Stay away from these companies !!!
I caution anyone to use BluePay. They have caused problems and cost me money! My staff had to take time to correct their mistake, and I am the one that has to pay for it. BluePay refuses to apologize and compensate me for my loss. Consider an alternative provider.
This so-called credit card processing company are a bunch of thieves. I constantly had withdrawals made against my account for funds not owed to them- they charged me the wrong percentage rate as agreed to in the contract, they withdrew non-compliance fees when I was compliant the entire time I've been processing cards and for the 4 years I had prior to using their company with another processor and refused to refund them even though I filled out all the non-compliance paperwork, they took money out of my account that was not owed to them and every time they were supposed to fund for transactions run, it took them several days to weeks to process any of them when I was set up for next day funding.
I contacted them at the very least 5 times regarding this. No one ever did anything to resolve anything. They all say something different.
Then I spoke with George Jackson in the risk management department. He acted like he was going to solve all the problems with the account. He said the charge would be funded within 2 business days. 2 weeks later I finally recieved funding and they had withdrawn extra funds from the transaction because by that point I had put a hold on my account so they couldn't withdraw anything additional.
They stole a few hundred dollars from me easily. While my story is not as bad as the others on here- DO NOT WORK WITH THEM. THEY WILL STEAL MONEY FROM YOU.
I was approved for BluePay processing, but before my apporval I informed the sale represenative that my website had not been built yet because I was awaiting their approval to build and interegrate BluePay into my website. I was told that my ccount would be placed on seasaonal hold until my site was launched and that I would not be charged anything during this time. I ccouple of motnhs later I noticed charges to my business account. I called/emailed several times to speak with my sales represenative regrding the chareges. She assured me that she put it on seasoanl hold and she would check to see why they were charging me because there should not be a charge. My calls and emails went unresolved. Finally I stopped putting money in my business account since they were charing my account without authorization to start doing so. Then one day I get an email from risk management telling me that my account had been closed. I called risk mnagement and they told me my account was closed because they attempented to collect fees from my account but they were not able to. (which by the way charges only apply when you actually use the services, which I had nto yet because my site had not even launced.). I then explained to the represenataive in risk manangement that my sales represenative said my accoutn was on seasoanl hold and should not be charged. I also told them I had emails supporting my claims from the represenative. They did not care, did not look into it or open my account back up. I later left a message for the president of the company to call me. A week later no return call. I sent an email forwarding my complaint along with the email exchange between my respresanative and I where she states she put my account on seasonal hold. I got an emal back telling me to log on to my portal to see their repsonse. I attempted to log on but because the closed my account my attempts returned void. I then called to ask what the message said and the represenative said she could not tell me over the phone. I then called the risk mamangement department and she said they are not opening my account back and that was their final choice. I have lost thousands building a website around blue pay , I have lost 6 months of man hours creating this site, I was chareged fees I was not supposed to be charged. I now have to be a develoeper to re create my site around another vendors structure, which will also cost me more time. I am going to pursue this to the end. This is fraud. Collecting money for a service I have not received. I plan to fight them till the end and anyone that has been taken advantage of as I have I am willing to join forces to make them pay for their unethical practices.